Remember back (for some of you that's waaay back) to elementary school when you learned how to write a 'friendly letter'? I do. Each of us was even asked to mail these letters to someone else in our class, presumably to learn the inefficiency of the U.S. Postal Service.
Well, today I received a letter from Jessica. Jessica, who introduced herself as "an Obama state field coordinator", works for, and her letter was crafted to reflect the notion that Democrats and Republicans could/should unite under the fair tax system. In the interest of space and time I won't re-print her letter here. You'll need to take my word on this (unless you also received a letter from Jessica), but the only time that she sounded like a Democrat was in the closing paragraph where she asked for a donation. I decided to use my second-grade friendly letter writing skills to respond in a friendly manner. Here's what I emailed:
Dear Jessica,
You don't seem like a Democrat to me (certainly not an obama field organizer) when you recognize that lower taxes boost job creation and that a system like the fair tax is more fiscally responsible, but it troubles me that you can be a supporter of the Usurpent while supporting a rational, logical, and fair idea such as the fair tax. I'm glad you favor the fair tax, and I encourage you to continue reading about other similarly conservative principled ideas. I also thank you for working for FairTax--you're a good citizen!
Being a good citizen, however, entails many things, not the least of which is consistency. The fair tax, obviously, is fair to all of us, yet inflicting government control and oppression through the Usurpent's programs such as the propping up of financial institutions, the hostile takeover of two of our auto manufacturers, constant apologies to foreign leaders for unfounded U.S. foreign policy actions, coersion, bribery, and lies in an effort to provide socialized health care, abortion rights, homosexual marriage, and reckless and irresponsible budget proposals are not fair to anyone.
I preach the gospel of fair tax wherever I go, but the truth of the matter is that, unless our leaders reign in spending, the fair tax will fail. recognizing this, then, two things must happen: 1) anyone who has served longer than six years in office must be voted out, and 2) the constitution must be amended to require term limits as follows: a) senators may serve only one term, and b) representatives' term shall be of six years, and they shall serve only one term.
Serving the public by elected office was never intended to provide life-long careers replete with retirement pensions, and, aside from turning to God as a nation, the only hope and change for our future is in these things. Here's to the FairTax, Jessica, and to the assurance that it will work--Constitutional term limits!
Rob Thompson
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Yesterday, I was listening to a talk show on AM radio--you may have heard of it--The Rush Limbaugh Show. I don't listen to him or any others regularly for a variety of reasons, namely the inferior quality of reception, the annoying and repetitive advertisements, people calling in, and did I mention the annoying and repetitive advertisements?
Well, a man called in whose name is Herb. Herb is, I think, either 56 or 66 years old (I couldn't understand every word because of the low sonic quality), and he explained how he was just tired of how things were going in our country. It doesn't matter how old or young he is, though, because I could hear the weariness in his voice.
Granted, he'd been through some tough times, having to serve in the military during wartime, having to work two jobs, and then later, losing his wife to cancer. But he seemed to have rather rebounded from those things, and now he was being slowly worn down by the horrible efforts of the Usurpent and his Congress.
Listening to him speak, not being able to express himself because of the overwhelming amount of damage being done by policies that might possibly and permanently erode the American way of life, I felt my eyes well up and I wept. He was saying, or trying to say, what I have been feeling for months, and hanging on every word was his weariness along with my own and that was such a heavy feeling--one that I have never known.
These are sad times, especially when one adds in the recent terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas. But all of the evil acts committed by this administration and all those committed by terrorists should be enough to anger us as well. May this anger as well as the sadness move all of us who love the United States to action, and may God have mercy on us.
Well, a man called in whose name is Herb. Herb is, I think, either 56 or 66 years old (I couldn't understand every word because of the low sonic quality), and he explained how he was just tired of how things were going in our country. It doesn't matter how old or young he is, though, because I could hear the weariness in his voice.
Granted, he'd been through some tough times, having to serve in the military during wartime, having to work two jobs, and then later, losing his wife to cancer. But he seemed to have rather rebounded from those things, and now he was being slowly worn down by the horrible efforts of the Usurpent and his Congress.
Listening to him speak, not being able to express himself because of the overwhelming amount of damage being done by policies that might possibly and permanently erode the American way of life, I felt my eyes well up and I wept. He was saying, or trying to say, what I have been feeling for months, and hanging on every word was his weariness along with my own and that was such a heavy feeling--one that I have never known.
These are sad times, especially when one adds in the recent terrorist attack at Fort Hood, Texas. But all of the evil acts committed by this administration and all those committed by terrorists should be enough to anger us as well. May this anger as well as the sadness move all of us who love the United States to action, and may God have mercy on us.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Democrats Love Racism, Don't You?
Wow. Things must be serious in Amerika now. I mean, Jimmy Carter has been asked to weigh in on Rep. Joe Wilson's fiesty remark during the Usurpent's appeal to Congress the other day. You may recall that Wilson accused the Usurpent of lying ("You lie!"), not, however, calling him a liar.
You may also remember Jimmy Carter, the biggest buffoon of a U.S. president ever. Yes, he's the one who committed adultery in his heart, who farmed peanuts prior to growing hostages in Iran and who left us with 18% interest rates. Even Ted Kennedy couldn't stand him, but Teddy's dead now,(still he lies!). Speaking of lying, Wilson caught all of this flack for speaking the truth about the Usurpent, even receiving an honorary censure from his colleagues in da house. But why did his accusation trouble people so? Well, it wasn't so much the remark as it was the motivation behind it.
The motivation? Don't you know? It was because of Rep. Wilson's out of control racism. At least that's what Jimmy sez. Jimmy Carter is an expert at so many things, especially racism because he grew up in Georgia (for those still in public school, that's a state in the deep South in Amerika). Rep. Henry "Hank" Johnson (a member of a segregated group, the Congressional Black Caucus) believes that Whitey's gonna start wearing white robes again if people keep disagreeing with the Usurpent! Speaking of hank....
Who's the real racist here? The Usurpent campaigned on his blackness, despite being a mulatto. He distanced himself from his white mother while playing up his African descent. He promised a post-racial Utopia, yet he involved himself in a matter between a white cop and the black Professor Gates up in Cambridge, Mass. a few months ago, rushing to judgement without any facts, basically pulling the race card. Then, who did the Usurpent select for a seat on the Most Exalted and Superiorly Important Supreme Court than an Hispanic woman. She was selected because she was not white.
Don't let the media fool you into believing that racism is a huge problem. Sure, it's their job to perpetuate falsehoods and create havoc over the air waves (Satan is called the Prince of the power of the air--think about it), but it doesn't mean we have to buy into it. The way to a resurgence of racism is to continually bring it up and point a finger at it. If we would stop talking about it, the associated hatred and occasional violence would dwindle.
I would love to see an end to racism, but until we eliminate Democrats, that will never be. Well, it's getting late so I'd better get into my white sheets. Good night.
You may also remember Jimmy Carter, the biggest buffoon of a U.S. president ever. Yes, he's the one who committed adultery in his heart, who farmed peanuts prior to growing hostages in Iran and who left us with 18% interest rates. Even Ted Kennedy couldn't stand him, but Teddy's dead now,(still he lies!). Speaking of lying, Wilson caught all of this flack for speaking the truth about the Usurpent, even receiving an honorary censure from his colleagues in da house. But why did his accusation trouble people so? Well, it wasn't so much the remark as it was the motivation behind it.
The motivation? Don't you know? It was because of Rep. Wilson's out of control racism. At least that's what Jimmy sez. Jimmy Carter is an expert at so many things, especially racism because he grew up in Georgia (for those still in public school, that's a state in the deep South in Amerika). Rep. Henry "Hank" Johnson (a member of a segregated group, the Congressional Black Caucus) believes that Whitey's gonna start wearing white robes again if people keep disagreeing with the Usurpent! Speaking of hank....
Who's the real racist here? The Usurpent campaigned on his blackness, despite being a mulatto. He distanced himself from his white mother while playing up his African descent. He promised a post-racial Utopia, yet he involved himself in a matter between a white cop and the black Professor Gates up in Cambridge, Mass. a few months ago, rushing to judgement without any facts, basically pulling the race card. Then, who did the Usurpent select for a seat on the Most Exalted and Superiorly Important Supreme Court than an Hispanic woman. She was selected because she was not white.
Don't let the media fool you into believing that racism is a huge problem. Sure, it's their job to perpetuate falsehoods and create havoc over the air waves (Satan is called the Prince of the power of the air--think about it), but it doesn't mean we have to buy into it. The way to a resurgence of racism is to continually bring it up and point a finger at it. If we would stop talking about it, the associated hatred and occasional violence would dwindle.
I would love to see an end to racism, but until we eliminate Democrats, that will never be. Well, it's getting late so I'd better get into my white sheets. Good night.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Conservative Rob Wittman had a good meeting last night at the Ferguson Center.
Here are some additional meetings fyi...
Mark Warner
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009
Time: 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Location: Fredericksburg Expo Center
2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway | Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Ultra Lib Bobby Scott
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Newport News Health Care Community Forum
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Downing-Gross Cultural Arts Center
2410 Wickham Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607
Little Jimmy Webb
Share your thoughts here (no scheduled town hall meetings):
Here are some additional meetings fyi...
Mark Warner
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009
Time: 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)
Location: Fredericksburg Expo Center
2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway | Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Ultra Lib Bobby Scott
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Newport News Health Care Community Forum
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Downing-Gross Cultural Arts Center
2410 Wickham Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607
Little Jimmy Webb
Share your thoughts here (no scheduled town hall meetings):
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Usurpent's Reign is a Do-Over, but Worse
I'm a collector of old architecture, history, medicine, and social science books. The reasons are few, mainly to see into a simpler world, to compare our knowledge of today with that of the past, and, of course, that old book smell--you have to wait nearly a half-century to acquire that aroma! I digress.
I've been reading James Truslow Adams' series of history books, that were published in the 1930s and 1940s. One in particular, History of the United States. Vol. V, chronicles each year from 1933 to 1941. I've been saying since January how the Usurpent's agenda is a mirror of FDR's socialist reign. This book of Adams is fascinating reading because it describes what we're experiencing today. Below are excerpts from pages 66-67 of The Record of 1935.
Fortunately our decision cannot be made hastily. In the great populations of our modern democracies false information and emotion derived from newspapers, the moving pictures and the radio, acting upon all of us simultaneously, may cause us to advocate a course of action which we may later regret. The example of the Hitler regime in Germany shows us how even a sober, orderly, and highly cultured and intelligent nation may embark upon a course which ends in economic, spiritual, and intellectual ruin, and once embarked finds it impossible to turn back...
Many of the most radical, indeed almost revolutionary, measures passed by the administration in the three years it has been in power has been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935. This does not mean that the Court is oblivious to the social ills of our time or heedless of a humanitarian program. It does mean, however, that the methods of solution for our problems, proposed in haste and without due consideration, have not been in accord with the fundamentals of our form of government. These include certain defined relations of the citizen to his State and national governments. They also include certain relations between the States and the Federal Government which latter was erected to bind the States together, to perform certain functions for all better than the individual States could do, and also to guarantee certain personal liberties to all citizens...
Either of two things can be done. More carefully thought-out solutions might be found or less carelessly drawn laws enacted which might better meet the constitutional test; or the Constitution itself, if a real majority of the American people and not a mere minority group wish to do so, could be amended....
The only difference that I've seen so far is that no one is challenging the constitutionality of the actions taken by the Usurpent and his Congress. That is tragic, but do you see the similarities? Take all of this at face value. Apparently, the media certainly hasn't changed. In fact, the Usurpent, without trying very hard, controls the media just like the corrupt Senator of Louisiana, Huey Long. The Usurpent also takes the dictatorial approach to the presidency much like the assassinated Mr. Long. Acting in haste, pushing through soon to fail or punitive programs like "Cash for Clunkers", the energy bill, the stimulus bill, and, in September, Health Care Reform, is projected only to lead us to "embark upon a course which ends in economic, spiritual, and intellectual ruin, and once embarked finds it impossible to turn back".
I've been reading James Truslow Adams' series of history books, that were published in the 1930s and 1940s. One in particular, History of the United States. Vol. V, chronicles each year from 1933 to 1941. I've been saying since January how the Usurpent's agenda is a mirror of FDR's socialist reign. This book of Adams is fascinating reading because it describes what we're experiencing today. Below are excerpts from pages 66-67 of The Record of 1935.
Fortunately our decision cannot be made hastily. In the great populations of our modern democracies false information and emotion derived from newspapers, the moving pictures and the radio, acting upon all of us simultaneously, may cause us to advocate a course of action which we may later regret. The example of the Hitler regime in Germany shows us how even a sober, orderly, and highly cultured and intelligent nation may embark upon a course which ends in economic, spiritual, and intellectual ruin, and once embarked finds it impossible to turn back...
Many of the most radical, indeed almost revolutionary, measures passed by the administration in the three years it has been in power has been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935. This does not mean that the Court is oblivious to the social ills of our time or heedless of a humanitarian program. It does mean, however, that the methods of solution for our problems, proposed in haste and without due consideration, have not been in accord with the fundamentals of our form of government. These include certain defined relations of the citizen to his State and national governments. They also include certain relations between the States and the Federal Government which latter was erected to bind the States together, to perform certain functions for all better than the individual States could do, and also to guarantee certain personal liberties to all citizens...
Either of two things can be done. More carefully thought-out solutions might be found or less carelessly drawn laws enacted which might better meet the constitutional test; or the Constitution itself, if a real majority of the American people and not a mere minority group wish to do so, could be amended....
The only difference that I've seen so far is that no one is challenging the constitutionality of the actions taken by the Usurpent and his Congress. That is tragic, but do you see the similarities? Take all of this at face value. Apparently, the media certainly hasn't changed. In fact, the Usurpent, without trying very hard, controls the media just like the corrupt Senator of Louisiana, Huey Long. The Usurpent also takes the dictatorial approach to the presidency much like the assassinated Mr. Long. Acting in haste, pushing through soon to fail or punitive programs like "Cash for Clunkers", the energy bill, the stimulus bill, and, in September, Health Care Reform, is projected only to lead us to "embark upon a course which ends in economic, spiritual, and intellectual ruin, and once embarked finds it impossible to turn back".
Sunday, August 2, 2009
There's Nothing Like a Cold Beer to End Racism
We've all read or heard the news about how the Usurpent decided to meddle in matters outside of his job description when he publicly chastised a cop for arresting a liberal professor friend of his based on supposed racial profiling.
I think it's odd that the cop has a stellar record on the force, and that he taught classes about the wrongs of racial profiling. Then, just when you thought it was a closed topic, an email appears where the cop used words referencing monkeys and bananas in a derogatory fashion. All of the sudden, the cop issues an apology for using those words. The whole thing is suspect.
The Usurpent never apologized for sticking his nose into someone else's business, but he used the situation to call attention to our history of racial problems in Cambridge and in the U.S. Now, I've been to Cambridge. It's probably the most politically correct town in America, next to Washington, D.C. (not a town, but a district set aside for government only--what happened there?)
So, the Usurpent decides that both parties, but not himself, had a misunderstanding and, gosh, let's just laugh this off over some cold ones at my house. Really? Beer? Really?
Since their happy hour meeting, I'm glad to report that racism has ended in America. It was a remarkably simple solution under our noses at the grocery store all this time. Who knew?
I think it's odd that the cop has a stellar record on the force, and that he taught classes about the wrongs of racial profiling. Then, just when you thought it was a closed topic, an email appears where the cop used words referencing monkeys and bananas in a derogatory fashion. All of the sudden, the cop issues an apology for using those words. The whole thing is suspect.
The Usurpent never apologized for sticking his nose into someone else's business, but he used the situation to call attention to our history of racial problems in Cambridge and in the U.S. Now, I've been to Cambridge. It's probably the most politically correct town in America, next to Washington, D.C. (not a town, but a district set aside for government only--what happened there?)
So, the Usurpent decides that both parties, but not himself, had a misunderstanding and, gosh, let's just laugh this off over some cold ones at my house. Really? Beer? Really?
Since their happy hour meeting, I'm glad to report that racism has ended in America. It was a remarkably simple solution under our noses at the grocery store all this time. Who knew?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Minimum Rage
Now this is good timing: The hourly minimum wage in America increased this week to $7.25 from $6.55. That's an increase of seventy cents per hour ($1,456 annually) that employers must now cough up to pay to their hourly employees. This comes at a time of recession and continued job layoffs (over 9% nationally and increasing), not to mention the upcoming increase in taxes that most businesses will be paying to cover the gross spending by out-of-control Washington.
The minimum wage was originally implemented to protect workers from sweatshop tactics of overwork and underpay. But the sweatshops have long vanished from the American employment world, and we have those wonderful unions to protect today's worker bees. At least they're not driving up costs!
So many problems have derived from the minimum wage, one being the audacity of government to step into the private sector. Sure, there were abuses in the early days, but the point here is that there still were people willing to work for a lower wage. The government essentially stole away their right to work at an agreed upon price between employer and employee. The fact that they couldn't survive on that price is irrelevant here.
Because a minimum wage created a new wage floor in business operations, it necessitated elevating workers' pay in higher positions automatically. This reduced overall profits for business owners and provided workers with a false sense of self-worth. Here's an example:
At the Acme Press, an unskilled janitor who was willing to earn fifty cents an hour was paid considerably less than the semi-skilled typesetter who earned an hourly $1.00. But under the minimum wage, the janitor now must be paid $1.00. So, now the typesetter has to have a raise to reflect his worth as a semi-skilled worker to $2.00. This continues up the chain all the way up to the Editor. It's great that everyone has received a raise, but the raises were taken from company profits. When the wage expenses were too high, the company cwas faced with one of three options: 1)reduce production, 2)reduce the number of employees, or 3)close their doors. None of these are good choices, especially if expansion is your goal!
The problem is that employers today may not be able to afford the wage increases and, in these recessionary times, may find themselves firing workers or closing their doors, thereby expanding the unemployement rate, reducing the amount of tax dollars collected, and perhaps providing the blight of an empty building to a city or town near you. So the Usurpent will have at least one minimum wage increase in his cap while he remains president.
If Congress wanted to be responsible (I know, I know, you're laughing), they would have cancelled this latest increase until we're more stable. Instead, the White House is issuing a projected injection into the eocnomy of "billions" of new dollars spent by workers. Like other White House projections, this, too, is a farce. It seems to me that the workers who get to keep their jobs probably will use their new found wealth to pay off debt incurred during the past year. The others who aren't as fortunate will be applying for unemployment, thereby creating a zero sum situation and no boost to the economy will be realized.
It would be refreshing if government would simply stay out of our business.
The minimum wage was originally implemented to protect workers from sweatshop tactics of overwork and underpay. But the sweatshops have long vanished from the American employment world, and we have those wonderful unions to protect today's worker bees. At least they're not driving up costs!
So many problems have derived from the minimum wage, one being the audacity of government to step into the private sector. Sure, there were abuses in the early days, but the point here is that there still were people willing to work for a lower wage. The government essentially stole away their right to work at an agreed upon price between employer and employee. The fact that they couldn't survive on that price is irrelevant here.
Because a minimum wage created a new wage floor in business operations, it necessitated elevating workers' pay in higher positions automatically. This reduced overall profits for business owners and provided workers with a false sense of self-worth. Here's an example:
At the Acme Press, an unskilled janitor who was willing to earn fifty cents an hour was paid considerably less than the semi-skilled typesetter who earned an hourly $1.00. But under the minimum wage, the janitor now must be paid $1.00. So, now the typesetter has to have a raise to reflect his worth as a semi-skilled worker to $2.00. This continues up the chain all the way up to the Editor. It's great that everyone has received a raise, but the raises were taken from company profits. When the wage expenses were too high, the company cwas faced with one of three options: 1)reduce production, 2)reduce the number of employees, or 3)close their doors. None of these are good choices, especially if expansion is your goal!
The problem is that employers today may not be able to afford the wage increases and, in these recessionary times, may find themselves firing workers or closing their doors, thereby expanding the unemployement rate, reducing the amount of tax dollars collected, and perhaps providing the blight of an empty building to a city or town near you. So the Usurpent will have at least one minimum wage increase in his cap while he remains president.
If Congress wanted to be responsible (I know, I know, you're laughing), they would have cancelled this latest increase until we're more stable. Instead, the White House is issuing a projected injection into the eocnomy of "billions" of new dollars spent by workers. Like other White House projections, this, too, is a farce. It seems to me that the workers who get to keep their jobs probably will use their new found wealth to pay off debt incurred during the past year. The others who aren't as fortunate will be applying for unemployment, thereby creating a zero sum situation and no boost to the economy will be realized.
It would be refreshing if government would simply stay out of our business.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Usurpent Finally Said Something True
During last night's sales pitch for ramming a health care bill through, the Usurpent said that "If you don't set deadlines in this town, things don't happen. The default position is inertia...". This is, to my recollection, the only thing this man has ever said that I agree with!
I don't, however, agree that the "stars are aligned" and the time is right for health care reform.
The Usurpent says that this reform is critical for boosting the economy and controlling the deficit, but that could be nothing further from the truth. Any additional expenditures that this administration would propose will further damage the economy and increase the deficit. It's really only a matter of common sense here, but still he felt the need to mildly threatened us by saying that "If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficit."
The big lie is that there is a problem with our health care in the United States. That's just not true. We have great health care; otherwise, people wouldn't be flocking to America for health care!
If health care is a right, then why isn't there a global revolution? Because it isn't, and most American have quality health care. The poor generally receive care through the emergency rooms at hospitals, and the wealthy have no lack of care, and even purchase luxury health care like cosmetic surgery. It is the middle class who must be cautious about how they recieve health care (which everyone across the board should do), and more importantly, how to pay for it.
What problems need to be solved are how to lower/control 1)pharmaeutical costs, 2)hospital charges, and 3)insurance premiums.
Hospitals charge outrageous sums because, in part, they must cover the costs of poor users who typically can't contribute toward their bills. Because hospitals have absorbed most private practices, they must also compensate doctors at a higher rate because Medicare/Medicaid have wrongly determined acceptable charges that are too low. I miss my now deceased doctor who used to give me free drug samples in prescription quanitites! Of course, he also made house calls (up until a few years ago).
Pharmaceutical companies simply charge too much for their products. This goes beyond letting the market determine the price, as most people pay the price of their cholesterol , blood-pressure, or happy pills without negotiating. House rules prohibit generics from becoming available for so many years, so we mapy the higher price. This is one area where the rules must change and regulations, unfortunately, must be imposed.
Insurance companies claim that premiums are high because of generally unhealthy American lifestyles. This is a believable claim, just look around. How many fast food chains are there where you live? How large is the prepared/processed food aisle at your favorite grocer? Still, there is no reason why premiums increase every year upwards of 30%. Sure, one can shop around for better prices, but the costs continue to rise, and that can't be solely blamed on the poor or the unhealthy lifestyle. The health insurance industry is completely without regulation. These companies need to be investigated thoroughly before any policies are enacted, but regulation may be necessary here, too.
Health care is good, health care costs are bad. Let's have someone other than Congress and the Usurpent figure out how to lower costs.
I don't, however, agree that the "stars are aligned" and the time is right for health care reform.
The Usurpent says that this reform is critical for boosting the economy and controlling the deficit, but that could be nothing further from the truth. Any additional expenditures that this administration would propose will further damage the economy and increase the deficit. It's really only a matter of common sense here, but still he felt the need to mildly threatened us by saying that "If we do not control these costs, we will not be able to control our deficit."
The big lie is that there is a problem with our health care in the United States. That's just not true. We have great health care; otherwise, people wouldn't be flocking to America for health care!
If health care is a right, then why isn't there a global revolution? Because it isn't, and most American have quality health care. The poor generally receive care through the emergency rooms at hospitals, and the wealthy have no lack of care, and even purchase luxury health care like cosmetic surgery. It is the middle class who must be cautious about how they recieve health care (which everyone across the board should do), and more importantly, how to pay for it.
What problems need to be solved are how to lower/control 1)pharmaeutical costs, 2)hospital charges, and 3)insurance premiums.
Hospitals charge outrageous sums because, in part, they must cover the costs of poor users who typically can't contribute toward their bills. Because hospitals have absorbed most private practices, they must also compensate doctors at a higher rate because Medicare/Medicaid have wrongly determined acceptable charges that are too low. I miss my now deceased doctor who used to give me free drug samples in prescription quanitites! Of course, he also made house calls (up until a few years ago).
Pharmaceutical companies simply charge too much for their products. This goes beyond letting the market determine the price, as most people pay the price of their cholesterol , blood-pressure, or happy pills without negotiating. House rules prohibit generics from becoming available for so many years, so we mapy the higher price. This is one area where the rules must change and regulations, unfortunately, must be imposed.
Insurance companies claim that premiums are high because of generally unhealthy American lifestyles. This is a believable claim, just look around. How many fast food chains are there where you live? How large is the prepared/processed food aisle at your favorite grocer? Still, there is no reason why premiums increase every year upwards of 30%. Sure, one can shop around for better prices, but the costs continue to rise, and that can't be solely blamed on the poor or the unhealthy lifestyle. The health insurance industry is completely without regulation. These companies need to be investigated thoroughly before any policies are enacted, but regulation may be necessary here, too.
Health care is good, health care costs are bad. Let's have someone other than Congress and the Usurpent figure out how to lower costs.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
My Speech to the Middle Peninsula Tea Party July 11, 2009
Good Morning, comrades! Or should I say good patriots of Mathews, Middlesex and Gloucester?!
I don’t know about you, but for months now, seven to be exact, I’ve been grumbling,
griping, and complaining about the peaceful takeover of our country by the Socialists,
some of those people being Obama, Biden, Dodd, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, and Frank.
Boy, what if that were a law firm? How scary would that be?
Well, you’ve heard those names before, so let me throw some new names at you: Mack, Lobiondo, Castle, Kirk, Lance, McHugh, Reichert and Smith. In case you didn’t know, these are the eight Republicans who now have risen to the rank of Junior Socialists, because they voted for Waxman and Markey’s climate change bill H.R. 2454 that we affectionately call “Cap and Tax”.
I could go on and talk about that fool’s errand, but I won’t. Well, maybe I will. A Rasmussen poll just reported that 56% of Americans oppose paying more taxes to help generate cleaner energy or to fight global warming. That sounds like a majority to me…are you a part of that 56%?! I thought so!
You know, the truth is, there isn’t enough empirical data on either side of this issue to begin writing public policy. Yet truth has become a casualty as we are blasted daily on climate change through the media. Anyway, I’m not here to talk about the weather!
I’m here to talk about tea parties.
If you haven’t heard about these events before, the tea party movement is a nationwide campaign that is mounting against the blatant anti-American position that the president and his congress have taken as they steamroll over our traditional values of life and liberty, trading our Constitution for a worthless, liberally-dog-eared paperback copy of the Communist Manifesto.
They want to eliminate any policy based upon our Judeao-Christian values and their goal is to breakdown society, including our free-market capitalist system, to the point where we are forced to rely solely on Big Brother. Is that what you want? I didn’t think so!
I mentioned that this effort on our part is a campaign. Campaign is a French word that has come to mean “a connected series of military operations forming a distinct phase of a war.” Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war with this administration’s tyranny. Let me be perfectly clear that we’re also at war with anyone, Republican or Democrat, who would work to undermine what our forefathers sacrificed so much to secure for us and what the one true God has provided us.
I’ve heard some people ask over these past months, “What will these tea parties accomplish? What good are they? How can they change anything—the media ignores them.” The answer is “plenty” if we enlist today.
Well, before you can go into battle, you need to have troops. If you don’t, boy--are you in trouble! Consider these rallies as a means for recruiting troops, one of many connected series of military operations.
This war will probably be without bloodshed, but in this day and age, it’s hard to say for certain. But because it is a war, there are certain things that require defining. Let’s start with the two sides: The two forces of this war are liberty versus oppression. This sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it?
So, let’s move on to the war’s true objective. That would be to eliminate the threat of Socialism and Godlessness, and a return to adherence to the constitution of the United States of America. How do we do this? What is the strategy for our part in the war?
I believe that the first phase of our strategy is to unify all the tea party groups. There are at least a few dozen in Virginia alone, and we can start here. Unity starts with open communication, something easily done at events like these and, of course, the internet. Facebook, Twitter, Blogger,, and emails all make it very simple to interact with each other. Strength in numbers causes others to take notice. It provides clout and people will support a solid cause. But we need to define this solid cause.
The second phase should be to vote out all incumbents who have served in the House for more than three terms, and who have served in the Senate for more than one term. We have people who have done nothing other than hold political office for their entire lives! What does that make them an expert in—red tape? Hey, there’s a term that has new meaning.
The American idea of government is summed up in nine words of Lincoln: “of the people, by the people, for the people”. Our current government caters to the political elite only—not to you and me. Make no mistake—this hasn’t just happened since January 20, the chipping away of our freedoms and the burden of debt and heavy taxation has been a process over the last 75 years or so. It just happens that the Usurpent’s administration is moving faster than we care to go. They’re taking America
skydiving, if you will, without a parachute.
Do we want to show Washington who’s in control? Then we must vote them out first and foremost. We need to send the message to our congressmen and senators that no one is safe in office. Initially, this will not be a question of party affiliation. Both the Republican as well as the Democrat needs to be paranoid about their job security. There are already enough regular folks like you and I who are, with good reason, worried about their job security.
To ensure that we weaken our opponents, we must demand term limits. Those of us who believe in this are in good company with the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, and Benjamin Franklin, who all favored term limits. I would suggest three terms for the House, one term for the Senate, and a former congressman or senator may run again but only after sitting out for six years. Public office is not meant as a lifetime career. And, if the newly-elected public servants won’t pass a term limits bill, a national referendum should be taken by the people of each state.
One operation that needs to take place while we’re recruiting is for each of us to pick a subject and become an expert in it. If you’re interested in the FairTax, learn all about it. If you’re into foreign affairs, study all that you can on that. If you’re pro-life, get all the facts to back up your position. Whatever your interest is, develop it so that you can take a factual stand on it. It would take several lifetimes to learn everything about every subject, so don’t try it. Pick one and run with it. Become an expert. Our side needs
to have the intellectual advantage. We need to be armed with the truth!
They say that the first casualty of war is truth. Well, haven’t we seen that?
There’s a man in the White House who almost daily lies about something. And if he’s not lying, he’s apologizing to some foreign country for American arrogance. Or if he’s saying one thing, then that icon of intellectual firepower, Joe Biden, is saying the opposite.
Even the media, whose job it used to be to report on factual events, lies to its viewers about the failures of this administration’s policies! Last week, CNN reported that Americans were feeling better now, spending less, and finding employment, while the
latest unemployment figures indicate that joblessness has risen to 9.5%! But, as ABC plainly pointed out to us recently, the networks are just a mouthpiece for Obama, as they broadcast from the White House. Does this seem right to you?
It’s all very frustrating, and there’s so much to keep track of it’s almost impossible to follow it all. There are other critical issues to follow, like campaign finance reform and an implementation of the FairTax, but there will be time for these things once we accomplish our initial goals.
But this four-fold strategy, fighting as a unified group of patriots, becoming an expert on one issue, voting out incumbents, and demanding term limits are imperatives on which we must act if we are to win the war on a system that has run amok. It’s great that we’re out here protesting, but more action is what will turn the tide.
And I can’t stand here today, having said all of this, without reminding you that, while we can act on what we believe to be right, and that is our role as good citizens, we constantly need to seek God’s wisdom and will in all of what we do. Without this action, we will find ourselves wandering in the wilderness, a people without a country.
Ladies and gentlemen, hear and remember God’s promise to His people as recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Let’s take back our country! Thank you very much. America bless God.
I don’t know about you, but for months now, seven to be exact, I’ve been grumbling,
griping, and complaining about the peaceful takeover of our country by the Socialists,
some of those people being Obama, Biden, Dodd, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, and Frank.
Boy, what if that were a law firm? How scary would that be?
Well, you’ve heard those names before, so let me throw some new names at you: Mack, Lobiondo, Castle, Kirk, Lance, McHugh, Reichert and Smith. In case you didn’t know, these are the eight Republicans who now have risen to the rank of Junior Socialists, because they voted for Waxman and Markey’s climate change bill H.R. 2454 that we affectionately call “Cap and Tax”.
I could go on and talk about that fool’s errand, but I won’t. Well, maybe I will. A Rasmussen poll just reported that 56% of Americans oppose paying more taxes to help generate cleaner energy or to fight global warming. That sounds like a majority to me…are you a part of that 56%?! I thought so!
You know, the truth is, there isn’t enough empirical data on either side of this issue to begin writing public policy. Yet truth has become a casualty as we are blasted daily on climate change through the media. Anyway, I’m not here to talk about the weather!
I’m here to talk about tea parties.
If you haven’t heard about these events before, the tea party movement is a nationwide campaign that is mounting against the blatant anti-American position that the president and his congress have taken as they steamroll over our traditional values of life and liberty, trading our Constitution for a worthless, liberally-dog-eared paperback copy of the Communist Manifesto.
They want to eliminate any policy based upon our Judeao-Christian values and their goal is to breakdown society, including our free-market capitalist system, to the point where we are forced to rely solely on Big Brother. Is that what you want? I didn’t think so!
I mentioned that this effort on our part is a campaign. Campaign is a French word that has come to mean “a connected series of military operations forming a distinct phase of a war.” Ladies and gentlemen, we are at war with this administration’s tyranny. Let me be perfectly clear that we’re also at war with anyone, Republican or Democrat, who would work to undermine what our forefathers sacrificed so much to secure for us and what the one true God has provided us.
I’ve heard some people ask over these past months, “What will these tea parties accomplish? What good are they? How can they change anything—the media ignores them.” The answer is “plenty” if we enlist today.
Well, before you can go into battle, you need to have troops. If you don’t, boy--are you in trouble! Consider these rallies as a means for recruiting troops, one of many connected series of military operations.
This war will probably be without bloodshed, but in this day and age, it’s hard to say for certain. But because it is a war, there are certain things that require defining. Let’s start with the two sides: The two forces of this war are liberty versus oppression. This sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it?
So, let’s move on to the war’s true objective. That would be to eliminate the threat of Socialism and Godlessness, and a return to adherence to the constitution of the United States of America. How do we do this? What is the strategy for our part in the war?
I believe that the first phase of our strategy is to unify all the tea party groups. There are at least a few dozen in Virginia alone, and we can start here. Unity starts with open communication, something easily done at events like these and, of course, the internet. Facebook, Twitter, Blogger,, and emails all make it very simple to interact with each other. Strength in numbers causes others to take notice. It provides clout and people will support a solid cause. But we need to define this solid cause.
The second phase should be to vote out all incumbents who have served in the House for more than three terms, and who have served in the Senate for more than one term. We have people who have done nothing other than hold political office for their entire lives! What does that make them an expert in—red tape? Hey, there’s a term that has new meaning.
The American idea of government is summed up in nine words of Lincoln: “of the people, by the people, for the people”. Our current government caters to the political elite only—not to you and me. Make no mistake—this hasn’t just happened since January 20, the chipping away of our freedoms and the burden of debt and heavy taxation has been a process over the last 75 years or so. It just happens that the Usurpent’s administration is moving faster than we care to go. They’re taking America
skydiving, if you will, without a parachute.
Do we want to show Washington who’s in control? Then we must vote them out first and foremost. We need to send the message to our congressmen and senators that no one is safe in office. Initially, this will not be a question of party affiliation. Both the Republican as well as the Democrat needs to be paranoid about their job security. There are already enough regular folks like you and I who are, with good reason, worried about their job security.
To ensure that we weaken our opponents, we must demand term limits. Those of us who believe in this are in good company with the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, and Benjamin Franklin, who all favored term limits. I would suggest three terms for the House, one term for the Senate, and a former congressman or senator may run again but only after sitting out for six years. Public office is not meant as a lifetime career. And, if the newly-elected public servants won’t pass a term limits bill, a national referendum should be taken by the people of each state.
One operation that needs to take place while we’re recruiting is for each of us to pick a subject and become an expert in it. If you’re interested in the FairTax, learn all about it. If you’re into foreign affairs, study all that you can on that. If you’re pro-life, get all the facts to back up your position. Whatever your interest is, develop it so that you can take a factual stand on it. It would take several lifetimes to learn everything about every subject, so don’t try it. Pick one and run with it. Become an expert. Our side needs
to have the intellectual advantage. We need to be armed with the truth!
They say that the first casualty of war is truth. Well, haven’t we seen that?
There’s a man in the White House who almost daily lies about something. And if he’s not lying, he’s apologizing to some foreign country for American arrogance. Or if he’s saying one thing, then that icon of intellectual firepower, Joe Biden, is saying the opposite.
Even the media, whose job it used to be to report on factual events, lies to its viewers about the failures of this administration’s policies! Last week, CNN reported that Americans were feeling better now, spending less, and finding employment, while the
latest unemployment figures indicate that joblessness has risen to 9.5%! But, as ABC plainly pointed out to us recently, the networks are just a mouthpiece for Obama, as they broadcast from the White House. Does this seem right to you?
It’s all very frustrating, and there’s so much to keep track of it’s almost impossible to follow it all. There are other critical issues to follow, like campaign finance reform and an implementation of the FairTax, but there will be time for these things once we accomplish our initial goals.
But this four-fold strategy, fighting as a unified group of patriots, becoming an expert on one issue, voting out incumbents, and demanding term limits are imperatives on which we must act if we are to win the war on a system that has run amok. It’s great that we’re out here protesting, but more action is what will turn the tide.
And I can’t stand here today, having said all of this, without reminding you that, while we can act on what we believe to be right, and that is our role as good citizens, we constantly need to seek God’s wisdom and will in all of what we do. Without this action, we will find ourselves wandering in the wilderness, a people without a country.
Ladies and gentlemen, hear and remember God’s promise to His people as recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Let’s take back our country! Thank you very much. America bless God.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Come and Show Your Disgust for this Administration
On Saturday, July 11, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., there will be a protest rally, a.k.a tea party, at the old Rueger's Ice Plant in Cobbs Creek, Virginia. That's on Route 198 if you're not a local.
Del. Brenda Pogge will speak on what the GOP is all about these days. That should be interesting, to say the least. I will say that Virginia politics are fairly straight forward and not too unpleasant, given that Leftists/Socialists are not as abundant in the General Assembly as they obviously are in Congress. Okay, the exception would be our terrible Governor Tim Kaine, who follows the Usurpent so close one could say that he has a brown nose.
Ken Cuccinell, candidate for Virginia's Attorney General, will speak on his campaign and related matters.Come on, now, not all lawyers are evil!
David Willman, coordinator for the presently-named-but-soon-to-be-changed Virginia Patriots (that name already has been taken by a corporation in Virginia), will speak and lead us in prayer.
Rob Thompson will speak on tea party group strategy.
If anyone would like to address the public, please leave a comment at Facebook.
Media will be there, along with gun-rights activists, and free bottled water. Actually, the water won't be free until you open it up and release it, so let's call it no cost water.
Please attend this rally if you're as fed up as we are!
Del. Brenda Pogge will speak on what the GOP is all about these days. That should be interesting, to say the least. I will say that Virginia politics are fairly straight forward and not too unpleasant, given that Leftists/Socialists are not as abundant in the General Assembly as they obviously are in Congress. Okay, the exception would be our terrible Governor Tim Kaine, who follows the Usurpent so close one could say that he has a brown nose.
Ken Cuccinell, candidate for Virginia's Attorney General, will speak on his campaign and related matters.Come on, now, not all lawyers are evil!
David Willman, coordinator for the presently-named-but-soon-to-be-changed Virginia Patriots (that name already has been taken by a corporation in Virginia), will speak and lead us in prayer.
Rob Thompson will speak on tea party group strategy.
If anyone would like to address the public, please leave a comment at Facebook.
Media will be there, along with gun-rights activists, and free bottled water. Actually, the water won't be free until you open it up and release it, so let's call it no cost water.
Please attend this rally if you're as fed up as we are!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Health Care ABC's
In a grab for even more control, or at least the appearance thereof, Usurpent has negotiated a deal with ABC to broadcast live from the White House on June 24. This, I foresee, as a permanent venture in the near future. ABC's ratings must be down, or they're going to receive a pile of that newly printed money that the Treasury has authorized.
Along with the other dictatorial actions of Usurpent, he now is commandeering a major network. Does this not strike anyone as odd? Incidentally, I called ABC this morning and spoke to a guy named Brice who works in the "Executive Offices". When I questioned him about the White House broadcast, he denied knowing anything about it. This is someone who is "very connected" with executive matters at ABC. My congressman, however, had received a memo from the RNC earlier today regarding the issue.
Usurpent has been harping on a health care crisis since 2007. Hillary, of course, had begun the process while her husband was 'in charge' years earlier. There is no health care crisis in America--not yet, anyway. The day socialized medicine is in place is the day we'll have a crisis!
The problems with today's health care are many:
1) Too much government red tape, especially with regard to HIPA, Medicare, and Medicaid
2) The entire system is abused, e.g. hospital emergency rooms used for colds and other minor conditions, illegal aliens using any part of the system, doctors' offices double billing patients and the government
3) pharmaceutical companies and hospitals charging exhorbitant prices/fees
4) insurance companies charging too much in premiums, and increasing premiums by as much as 30% annually
5) society's expectation that care is to be available for anything at any time
I would suggest that health insurance companies need to be regulated, something that they've escaped for all these years. It disgusts me that Anthem raises our premiums a minimum of 22% every year, blaming it on the American couch-potato lifestyle (my paraphrase). No one else in the private sector increases their prices by that amount, mainly because it is unreasonable.
Pharmaceuticals need to reduce their costs, lower their profit margins, or be subsidized by the government much like we do with farmers.
Hospitals, too, tend toward greed. This must stop. Personally, I spent 4-1/2 hours in the emergency room last year for kidney stones. The bill was $6,000. My wife had pneumonia earlier this year, spending 7 hours in the ER before being admitted. That bill was about the same. There isn't any justification for this kind of business.
Aside from the possible subsidies mentioned above, government needs to stay out of the process. HIPA requirements are ridiculous, and Medicare and Medicaid are causing fewer and few new doctors from entering or continuing practice. They're being paid less and less each year as determined by these agencies to the tune of 40%, 25%, and even 15% of billable services.
Finally, Americans need to realize that, certainly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help cut health care costs, but that not every illness requires medical attention. Colds, the flu, sprained ankles, etc. in most cases can be taken care of at home.
If you're looking for a crisis, you've found it in the new Amerika.
Along with the other dictatorial actions of Usurpent, he now is commandeering a major network. Does this not strike anyone as odd? Incidentally, I called ABC this morning and spoke to a guy named Brice who works in the "Executive Offices". When I questioned him about the White House broadcast, he denied knowing anything about it. This is someone who is "very connected" with executive matters at ABC. My congressman, however, had received a memo from the RNC earlier today regarding the issue.
Usurpent has been harping on a health care crisis since 2007. Hillary, of course, had begun the process while her husband was 'in charge' years earlier. There is no health care crisis in America--not yet, anyway. The day socialized medicine is in place is the day we'll have a crisis!
The problems with today's health care are many:
1) Too much government red tape, especially with regard to HIPA, Medicare, and Medicaid
2) The entire system is abused, e.g. hospital emergency rooms used for colds and other minor conditions, illegal aliens using any part of the system, doctors' offices double billing patients and the government
3) pharmaceutical companies and hospitals charging exhorbitant prices/fees
4) insurance companies charging too much in premiums, and increasing premiums by as much as 30% annually
5) society's expectation that care is to be available for anything at any time
I would suggest that health insurance companies need to be regulated, something that they've escaped for all these years. It disgusts me that Anthem raises our premiums a minimum of 22% every year, blaming it on the American couch-potato lifestyle (my paraphrase). No one else in the private sector increases their prices by that amount, mainly because it is unreasonable.
Pharmaceuticals need to reduce their costs, lower their profit margins, or be subsidized by the government much like we do with farmers.
Hospitals, too, tend toward greed. This must stop. Personally, I spent 4-1/2 hours in the emergency room last year for kidney stones. The bill was $6,000. My wife had pneumonia earlier this year, spending 7 hours in the ER before being admitted. That bill was about the same. There isn't any justification for this kind of business.
Aside from the possible subsidies mentioned above, government needs to stay out of the process. HIPA requirements are ridiculous, and Medicare and Medicaid are causing fewer and few new doctors from entering or continuing practice. They're being paid less and less each year as determined by these agencies to the tune of 40%, 25%, and even 15% of billable services.
Finally, Americans need to realize that, certainly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help cut health care costs, but that not every illness requires medical attention. Colds, the flu, sprained ankles, etc. in most cases can be taken care of at home.
If you're looking for a crisis, you've found it in the new Amerika.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Citizens' Fear Caused by What?
Well, first let me ask forgiveness for addressing an article nearly a year old that was published in Science Magazine, by Oxley, et al., on September 19, 2008, vol. 321.
The title for this article is "Political Attitudes Vary with Physiological Traits"
This article was brought to my attention by a leftist author of a letter to the editor in our local newspaper this past week, wherein he responded to the previous week's letters to the editor; some of which protested the Usurpent's actions (it doesn't matter which ones, because they all require protest). I read the study's summary along with several readers' comments thereon.
Douglas Oxley and company investigated how politically-opinionated humans react to fear as compared with average humans. The basic premise is that fear-sensitive folks tend to desire public policy that reflects and protects their societal comfort levels, and that less fear-sensitive people tend to think more globally (my summation). It is a lengthy article, and, because it was published by a major periodical, it probably carries some weight in some mad scientist circles.
Certainly, I'm no scientist, but I do know something general about polling samples and studies. Whenever you'd like to perform a study or poll, you try to use the largest number of participants practical to the job. For example, if I want to determine how many people hate what the Usurpent and Congress is doing, I don't just ask my friends or call 100 people in Texas--that would be grossly inaccurate. Instead, I would randomly call or interview 1000 to 5000 people evenly distributed across America. The broader the sample, the more accurate the response, usually with an accuracy rate of between 3-5% either way.
This great scientific research utilized 46 adults (the scientists get extra credit for using adults). It took eight people to conduct and write about their findings that, to me, are complete nonsense. Even the authors couldn't make any conclusions about their three-month effort, and not only that, they never explored the specificity of the participants' politics**. Was this done at the tax-payers' expense?
Let's take an example, my own study using one person (nearly as good as 46)). I have a low threshold for pain (oh, no--BB knows!), but I will not change my lifestyle to avoid the potential of, say, getting out of bed. I'm a carpenter, daily using such power tools as electric mitre boxes, sabre saws and table saws, not to mention driving a large truck. If my physiological sensitivity to pain was any higher, using this study's theory, I would either a) demand that laws be written to prohibit sharp blades from being made for this equipment (unsafe at any speed!), b) hire someone else to do my cutting (legal aliens, of course), or 3) become an accountant.
Rather than blame Americans' fear on a higher physiological reaction to fear-inducing stimuli, I believe it is safe to say that we just don't like Socialism, the potential for Islam to deluge our Judeao-Christian rooted nation with religious Round Up, and we don't particularly care for lies, deceit, and abuse of power (abusive power?).
**My guess is that the scientists, at least, are Democrats/Socialists because they're always looking for someone or something else to blame rather than taking on individual responsibility. Yet another reason to be moved to fear....
The title for this article is "Political Attitudes Vary with Physiological Traits"
This article was brought to my attention by a leftist author of a letter to the editor in our local newspaper this past week, wherein he responded to the previous week's letters to the editor; some of which protested the Usurpent's actions (it doesn't matter which ones, because they all require protest). I read the study's summary along with several readers' comments thereon.
Douglas Oxley and company investigated how politically-opinionated humans react to fear as compared with average humans. The basic premise is that fear-sensitive folks tend to desire public policy that reflects and protects their societal comfort levels, and that less fear-sensitive people tend to think more globally (my summation). It is a lengthy article, and, because it was published by a major periodical, it probably carries some weight in some mad scientist circles.
Certainly, I'm no scientist, but I do know something general about polling samples and studies. Whenever you'd like to perform a study or poll, you try to use the largest number of participants practical to the job. For example, if I want to determine how many people hate what the Usurpent and Congress is doing, I don't just ask my friends or call 100 people in Texas--that would be grossly inaccurate. Instead, I would randomly call or interview 1000 to 5000 people evenly distributed across America. The broader the sample, the more accurate the response, usually with an accuracy rate of between 3-5% either way.
This great scientific research utilized 46 adults (the scientists get extra credit for using adults). It took eight people to conduct and write about their findings that, to me, are complete nonsense. Even the authors couldn't make any conclusions about their three-month effort, and not only that, they never explored the specificity of the participants' politics**. Was this done at the tax-payers' expense?
Let's take an example, my own study using one person (nearly as good as 46)). I have a low threshold for pain (oh, no--BB knows!), but I will not change my lifestyle to avoid the potential of, say, getting out of bed. I'm a carpenter, daily using such power tools as electric mitre boxes, sabre saws and table saws, not to mention driving a large truck. If my physiological sensitivity to pain was any higher, using this study's theory, I would either a) demand that laws be written to prohibit sharp blades from being made for this equipment (unsafe at any speed!), b) hire someone else to do my cutting (legal aliens, of course), or 3) become an accountant.
Rather than blame Americans' fear on a higher physiological reaction to fear-inducing stimuli, I believe it is safe to say that we just don't like Socialism, the potential for Islam to deluge our Judeao-Christian rooted nation with religious Round Up, and we don't particularly care for lies, deceit, and abuse of power (abusive power?).
**My guess is that the scientists, at least, are Democrats/Socialists because they're always looking for someone or something else to blame rather than taking on individual responsibility. Yet another reason to be moved to fear....
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Usurpent Must Be Taken Out of Office
This week Usurpent called us a Muslim Nation only months after declaring to Turkey and the rest of the world that we are not a Christian nation.
Last week, Usurpent proclaimed June as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender Pride Month.
He and his minions have overstepped their roles, taking over a large portion of the private sector: the banks and auto-makers. What's next th--oh, that's right he already has the media.
Usurpent has irresponsibly spent trillions in non-existent money, thus placing the burden on generations of future tax-payers (assuming that the world will still exist).
He is promoting the most radical leftist people, queers, socialists, baby-killers, etc. And, because this issue still isn't resolved, where is the Usurpent's freakin' birth certificate?!
How much documentation do we need to denounce this president as traitor to our country? He doesn't represent most of us.
Treason! I say.
Who has the boldness to stand against this man and work to remove him from office by any means necessary? Is there no one out there? Hello?
Last week, Usurpent proclaimed June as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender Pride Month.
He and his minions have overstepped their roles, taking over a large portion of the private sector: the banks and auto-makers. What's next th--oh, that's right he already has the media.
Usurpent has irresponsibly spent trillions in non-existent money, thus placing the burden on generations of future tax-payers (assuming that the world will still exist).
He is promoting the most radical leftist people, queers, socialists, baby-killers, etc. And, because this issue still isn't resolved, where is the Usurpent's freakin' birth certificate?!
How much documentation do we need to denounce this president as traitor to our country? He doesn't represent most of us.
Treason! I say.
Who has the boldness to stand against this man and work to remove him from office by any means necessary? Is there no one out there? Hello?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It'll Cost More than $1,000 to Shut Me Up
Today, April 15, otherwise known as Tax Day, was an overwhelming success as hundreds gathered in thousands of places across the country to protest taxes and so much more. I attended two rallies in Virginia, one in Gloucester, where we had about 200 patriots attend despite cold, rainy weather in the middle of the day. The second one was this evening in Richmond, where about 5,000 patriots were present. I heard from Ken Cuccinelli that there were about 1,500 patriots in Newport News.
Tim Kaine, a mistake of a governor in my book, spoke from his heart this afternoon, saying that he believes that the vast majority of Americans are in support of the Usurpent's tax and spend schemes. Can you believe it? Yes, you can! He's a brown-nosing Usurpent groupie, for crying out loud! He's tied for twenty-fifth for the position of Chief Minion.
The Usurpent also doubts our conservative views as being in the majority; after all, 150,000,000 Americans received a tax cut this year, putting "$150,000,000,000 back into their pockets". Oh, I see, those folks got an extra $1,000 so they should be happy. They couldn't possibly want more of their own income, right?
To Tim Kaine, I say "you're dead wrong." Between an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people were involved today, taking off from work, driving out of their way, spending valuable time that could have been alloted to something else, to protest you and your philosophy of enormous government. They were there, on fire, opposing you, the Usurpent, and all of your ilk, for adding to the oppression that has been created over the years.
Republicans and Democrats alike are guilty of all of this, as are we who vote because we place politicians like you in the power seat. This year will be different. In 2010, anyone who has been in office in Washington for longer than four years will be voted out. Term limits will be demanded by we, the people, and any potential reigns of terror like the Usurpent has today will end.
Tim Kaine, a mistake of a governor in my book, spoke from his heart this afternoon, saying that he believes that the vast majority of Americans are in support of the Usurpent's tax and spend schemes. Can you believe it? Yes, you can! He's a brown-nosing Usurpent groupie, for crying out loud! He's tied for twenty-fifth for the position of Chief Minion.
The Usurpent also doubts our conservative views as being in the majority; after all, 150,000,000 Americans received a tax cut this year, putting "$150,000,000,000 back into their pockets". Oh, I see, those folks got an extra $1,000 so they should be happy. They couldn't possibly want more of their own income, right?
To Tim Kaine, I say "you're dead wrong." Between an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people were involved today, taking off from work, driving out of their way, spending valuable time that could have been alloted to something else, to protest you and your philosophy of enormous government. They were there, on fire, opposing you, the Usurpent, and all of your ilk, for adding to the oppression that has been created over the years.
Republicans and Democrats alike are guilty of all of this, as are we who vote because we place politicians like you in the power seat. This year will be different. In 2010, anyone who has been in office in Washington for longer than four years will be voted out. Term limits will be demanded by we, the people, and any potential reigns of terror like the Usurpent has today will end.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Attention World: We ARE a Christian Nation!
Strike Two! It's baseball season, so what better metaphor could be used to describe the Usurpent's perfomance to date?
Strike one was the uber-Rooseveltian bailout/stimulus/bailout spending spree. As I've mentioned before, we're still paying for FDR's programs. Add to that LBJ's crappy contributions, and--presto--real big debt! The over-the-top welfare bills delivered by the Usurpent have exponentially multiplied our burden beyond calculation. To a lesser extent, Republicans are to blame as well. Suffice it to say that if the world is still spinning three (one, five, ten--you pick) centuries from now, that generation will be paying for all this free stuff.
Strike two comes this week, following the Usurpent's claim to Turkey and the rest of the world that the U.S. is not a Christian nation. Combine this statement with his full bow to Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, a Muslim, and it seems to me that the Usurpent is facing a tall left-handed pitcher who has one mean knuckle ball. Timing is everything, too, as the statement was made during Holy Week, a time of religious observation for Jews and Christians. Kosher CocaCola, by the way, has been popular with both groups this week.
The Usurpent calls us a "nation of citizens". Brilliant. I wish I had gone to Harvard so I could come up with that one. So who else is a nation of citizens? Every other country, so I surmise his meaning to be that there is nothing that sets America apart from any other country, especially members of the G20.
What about the very foundation of our country?! What were the beliefs of our patriot forefathers? On what basis do we have freedom? From Whom does it originate? How many people have died to maintain American values? These are the very things that absolutely separate us from the rest of the world, and our Usurpent is tossing them into the gutter. That's not very green of him.
Our nation was founded, by and large, by Christians, who applied Judaeo-Christian values to our system of government. In our representative democracy where the majority rules (present Judiciary in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa, and Vermont excepted), 83% of Americans claim to be Christian. Based on these two facts, let me be clear to the rest of the world that the United States IS a Christian nation.
We have tolerance here for other religions and other points of view, just as we have tolerance for Socialism and an incompetent leader. Nonetheless, we have hope that those of other religions will come to believe in our God (in Whom we trust), and may I say that I also hope that one day Conservatism will change the face of government.
Strike one was the uber-Rooseveltian bailout/stimulus/bailout spending spree. As I've mentioned before, we're still paying for FDR's programs. Add to that LBJ's crappy contributions, and--presto--real big debt! The over-the-top welfare bills delivered by the Usurpent have exponentially multiplied our burden beyond calculation. To a lesser extent, Republicans are to blame as well. Suffice it to say that if the world is still spinning three (one, five, ten--you pick) centuries from now, that generation will be paying for all this free stuff.
Strike two comes this week, following the Usurpent's claim to Turkey and the rest of the world that the U.S. is not a Christian nation. Combine this statement with his full bow to Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, a Muslim, and it seems to me that the Usurpent is facing a tall left-handed pitcher who has one mean knuckle ball. Timing is everything, too, as the statement was made during Holy Week, a time of religious observation for Jews and Christians. Kosher CocaCola, by the way, has been popular with both groups this week.
The Usurpent calls us a "nation of citizens". Brilliant. I wish I had gone to Harvard so I could come up with that one. So who else is a nation of citizens? Every other country, so I surmise his meaning to be that there is nothing that sets America apart from any other country, especially members of the G20.
What about the very foundation of our country?! What were the beliefs of our patriot forefathers? On what basis do we have freedom? From Whom does it originate? How many people have died to maintain American values? These are the very things that absolutely separate us from the rest of the world, and our Usurpent is tossing them into the gutter. That's not very green of him.
Our nation was founded, by and large, by Christians, who applied Judaeo-Christian values to our system of government. In our representative democracy where the majority rules (present Judiciary in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa, and Vermont excepted), 83% of Americans claim to be Christian. Based on these two facts, let me be clear to the rest of the world that the United States IS a Christian nation.
We have tolerance here for other religions and other points of view, just as we have tolerance for Socialism and an incompetent leader. Nonetheless, we have hope that those of other religions will come to believe in our God (in Whom we trust), and may I say that I also hope that one day Conservatism will change the face of government.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Easter
It is 2:17 a.m. Good Friday morning. I had an epiphany on Palm Sunday and it has been keeping me awake tonight, so I thought I'd share it with you.
I've only been following politics heavily since 1980 when I was given the privilege to vote for the first time, so my personal experience starts there. I remember when Bill (MFN status to China!) Clinton was elected the first time, and how incredibly stupid 43% of Americans were. I questioned how in the world was it possible that such a man could be elected to the Office of President, particularly when we knew so much about him in advance! His second win really floored me, and I draped our house on Main Street with black cloth. No, really, I did; but it gained no attention except from my sympathetic friends.
Years later, vox populi Americani cry out for the Usurpent, a man who probably isn't a U.S. citizen and who associated himself with the worst possible people; folks like Wright and Farakan and groups like ACORN. I had that unanswered question from '96 hovering over me still, until Palm Sunday last week.
Not quite two thousand years ago, the people showered praise on the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ. They welcomed Him with hosannahs ('Huzzah' we might say today) and laid palm branches along the dusty road for He and his trusty colt, a donkey no less, to tread upon. They bowed to Him, calling Him their king, believing Him to be the Savior of their people and, perhaps, the world. On that day, the people were smart as well as being correct.
Less than a week later, many of those same Jesus fans turned against Him to the point of wanting to kill Him. Governor Pilate asked, "What shall I do with this man, Jesus?" The vox populi responded, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Because the hand of God was in this bittersweet, no -- horribly beautiful -- event, Jesus prevailed and lives today, indeed, as the Savior of the world.
So, in this light, when I have asked, "How can this be?!" grieving about some political race, a mere blip on the radar screen of history, the answer is simple: Generally speaking, people are smart, but they lose their intelligence when they are led astray. People get caught up in the moment and become distracted by faulty logic and poor reasoning. At first, they feel euphoria, followed by strength and security, then somehow that morphs into self-righteousness, selfishness, and greed. In short, love is blind and people have been tripping down the steps of bad judgment as long as they have lived on earth. Question answered.
Jesus was a sacrifice as part of God's ultimate plan of salvation for believers in the world, so, as it turns out, the vox populi got it right back then. The Usurpent, however, is asking America to sacrifice herself at the altar of global unity. This may be a part of God's plan as we approach the end of the world as we know it, but, in the name of what is good and right that is the American way, we should be fighting tooth and nail to rid ourselves of this whole administration and Congress.
America bless God.
I've only been following politics heavily since 1980 when I was given the privilege to vote for the first time, so my personal experience starts there. I remember when Bill (MFN status to China!) Clinton was elected the first time, and how incredibly stupid 43% of Americans were. I questioned how in the world was it possible that such a man could be elected to the Office of President, particularly when we knew so much about him in advance! His second win really floored me, and I draped our house on Main Street with black cloth. No, really, I did; but it gained no attention except from my sympathetic friends.
Years later, vox populi Americani cry out for the Usurpent, a man who probably isn't a U.S. citizen and who associated himself with the worst possible people; folks like Wright and Farakan and groups like ACORN. I had that unanswered question from '96 hovering over me still, until Palm Sunday last week.
Not quite two thousand years ago, the people showered praise on the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ. They welcomed Him with hosannahs ('Huzzah' we might say today) and laid palm branches along the dusty road for He and his trusty colt, a donkey no less, to tread upon. They bowed to Him, calling Him their king, believing Him to be the Savior of their people and, perhaps, the world. On that day, the people were smart as well as being correct.
Less than a week later, many of those same Jesus fans turned against Him to the point of wanting to kill Him. Governor Pilate asked, "What shall I do with this man, Jesus?" The vox populi responded, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Because the hand of God was in this bittersweet, no -- horribly beautiful -- event, Jesus prevailed and lives today, indeed, as the Savior of the world.
So, in this light, when I have asked, "How can this be?!" grieving about some political race, a mere blip on the radar screen of history, the answer is simple: Generally speaking, people are smart, but they lose their intelligence when they are led astray. People get caught up in the moment and become distracted by faulty logic and poor reasoning. At first, they feel euphoria, followed by strength and security, then somehow that morphs into self-righteousness, selfishness, and greed. In short, love is blind and people have been tripping down the steps of bad judgment as long as they have lived on earth. Question answered.
Jesus was a sacrifice as part of God's ultimate plan of salvation for believers in the world, so, as it turns out, the vox populi got it right back then. The Usurpent, however, is asking America to sacrifice herself at the altar of global unity. This may be a part of God's plan as we approach the end of the world as we know it, but, in the name of what is good and right that is the American way, we should be fighting tooth and nail to rid ourselves of this whole administration and Congress.
America bless God.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Royalty, Gadgets, and No Clue
Let's see, during the first visit by England's Prime Minister to the White (?) House, the Usurpent gave a gift of DVDs. Now, while he's talking stuff and nonsense in Europe, the Usurpent gave Queen Elizabeth II an iPod. My wife told me he did earlier this evening, but I didn't believe her. I didn't think anyone could be that vulgar twice, but, sho' nuff, ABC and others reported it tonight.
How disrespectful can this man be? The iPod video player has coverage of her own visit here in 2007 that she probably already has, plus coverage of campaign speeches, his "Inaugural Address", and a long list of show tunes from most major american plays. Whatever.
If he was insistant upon providing the Queen with something that reflected our new culture, why didn't he just buy her some hair pomade and a do rag, or perhaps a dog collar autographed by Michael Vick? I do have the perfect gift for the Usurpent: a DVD (signed by me) of the movie "Clueless".
Obama disgusts me and I'm embarassed to have him say that he represents me or any other American. He must be removed from office.
How disrespectful can this man be? The iPod video player has coverage of her own visit here in 2007 that she probably already has, plus coverage of campaign speeches, his "Inaugural Address", and a long list of show tunes from most major american plays. Whatever.
If he was insistant upon providing the Queen with something that reflected our new culture, why didn't he just buy her some hair pomade and a do rag, or perhaps a dog collar autographed by Michael Vick? I do have the perfect gift for the Usurpent: a DVD (signed by me) of the movie "Clueless".
Obama disgusts me and I'm embarassed to have him say that he represents me or any other American. He must be removed from office.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Dearth Hour
In the quiet hours leading up to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, the time known by Statists as "Earth Hour", I quietly pondered how best I could help toward the quest of saving the planet. As I walked to every light switch and lamp throughout our humble home, silently turning each fixture on, I felt as though I were at a memorial service for the statists.
Bathed in glorious light, our home was transformed into one immense architectural filament, burning an ungodly sum of kilowatts as we watched Ben Stein's documentary, "Expelled".
Since January, when I received a $350 electric bill from Dominion Power (in Virginia), we immediately began heating with a wood stove, we kept most lights out most of the time as we usually do, and I raced out to purchase several CFL bulbs to cut down on our power consumption. The dirt and smoke that was generated inside our home gave my wife and I bad respiratory conditions, with my wife ultimately developing pneumonia. It doesn't sound too scientific or medically sound, but I attribute our illness to the wood stove for we never catch colds or the influenza. It ended up costing us about $2,000 after insurance. So much for trying to save money.
As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of everything we have the privilege of using; this includes money, talent/ability, land, time, and energy. As temporary tenants of Earth, we humans have done some damage, but we have not created global warming. This is a fact that cannot be disproved for a variety of reasons, namely that polutants have only been measured for less than a century. HOW old is Earth?
Still, we need to be conscientious toward efficient living. This can mean recycling, but it also can mean not wasting gas and water. There are moss-eating tree-huggers out there who own whirlpool bathtubs and waste more water filling them up and then they run the motor on top of it all. How green are they really being? Efficient living also can mean not eating fast food. That's a whopper of a sacrifice for some of us!
I could go on about the misconceptions of rainforest rape, Prius purchases, and green building, but for now, my advice to you is to be moderate in your energy consumption, but don't get hung up on it.
"Let your light shine before men...."
Bathed in glorious light, our home was transformed into one immense architectural filament, burning an ungodly sum of kilowatts as we watched Ben Stein's documentary, "Expelled".
Since January, when I received a $350 electric bill from Dominion Power (in Virginia), we immediately began heating with a wood stove, we kept most lights out most of the time as we usually do, and I raced out to purchase several CFL bulbs to cut down on our power consumption. The dirt and smoke that was generated inside our home gave my wife and I bad respiratory conditions, with my wife ultimately developing pneumonia. It doesn't sound too scientific or medically sound, but I attribute our illness to the wood stove for we never catch colds or the influenza. It ended up costing us about $2,000 after insurance. So much for trying to save money.
As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of everything we have the privilege of using; this includes money, talent/ability, land, time, and energy. As temporary tenants of Earth, we humans have done some damage, but we have not created global warming. This is a fact that cannot be disproved for a variety of reasons, namely that polutants have only been measured for less than a century. HOW old is Earth?
Still, we need to be conscientious toward efficient living. This can mean recycling, but it also can mean not wasting gas and water. There are moss-eating tree-huggers out there who own whirlpool bathtubs and waste more water filling them up and then they run the motor on top of it all. How green are they really being? Efficient living also can mean not eating fast food. That's a whopper of a sacrifice for some of us!
I could go on about the misconceptions of rainforest rape, Prius purchases, and green building, but for now, my advice to you is to be moderate in your energy consumption, but don't get hung up on it.
"Let your light shine before men...."
Sunday, March 22, 2009
They Say That History Repeats Itself...You Can Say That Again!

I've been reading over the years about the Great Depression because I find it interesting as an economist and social historian of sorts. I hope you find this useful as we prepare to die as a nation.
Below is a reprint from the website, "Presidents" page. It is fascinating (hmmm--fascist, fascinating...interesting) to see the similarities between the Great Depression and our current Great Recession That is Like the Great Depression Only Worse in Many Ways. I emboldened the type for emphasis, so read this:
He [F.D. Roosevelt] was elected President in November 1932, to the first of four terms. By March there were 13,000,000 unemployed, and almost every bank was closed. In his first 'hundred days,' he proposed, and Congress enacted, a sweeping program to bring recovery to business and agriculture, relief to the unemployed and to those in danger of losing farms and homes, and reform, especially through the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
By 1935 the Nation had achieved some measure of recovery, but businessmen and bankers were turning more and more against Roosevelt's New Deal program. They feared his experiments, were appalled because he had taken the Nation off the gold standard and allowed deficits in the budget, and disliked the concessions to labor. Roosevelt responded with a new program of reform: Social Security, heavier taxes on the wealthy, new controls over banks and public utilities, and an enormous work relief program for the unemployed.
In 1936 he was re-elected by a top-heavy margin. Feeling he was armed with a popular mandate, he sought legislation to enlarge the Supreme Court, which had been invalidating key New Deal measures. Roosevelt lost the Supreme Court battle, but a revolution in constitutional law took place. Thereafter the Government could legally regulate the economy.
There are two ways at which to ponder this. The first is that the Usurpent agrees witht the FDR doctrine of huge, centralized government at the expense of the taxpayer and that it helped turn America around to its fine state today. The second is that FDR was on the right track but didn't go far enough for the Amerika he loves. That Amerika is the one where you are owned by the government and you've lost your freedom.
Back in the day (1930s) even Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Tim Geithner, was irate over FDR's failed New Deal. I say failure for, if the idea then was to reduce unemployment, it failed. Even in 1939 the unemployment rate was at about 20 percent. Morgenthau said, "We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it [New Deal bailouts] does not work."
By the way, our normal unemployment rate is about five percent. Normal means people who can work but choose not to or who are actively seeking employment and cannot find it. Our current national unemployment rate is under ten percent. Although there are pockets of certain states like California where rates are close to 20%, the average unemployment rate is not as bad as it seems. That sounds callous to those who may be reading this who have lost their jobs, but it is encouraging to the extent that there are still less-than-ideal jobs to be had and that the normal rate of unemployment is actually only up about 5%.
I've stated before that with the Usurpent's blinged out version of the New Deal that what comes next is an increase in taxes to counter the government spending. This is just basic equilibrium theory of public sector economics. Where FDR taxed the most wealthy at seventy-nine and later ninety percent in 1935, the Usurpent will similarly follow. In fact, he has begun with the attack on AIG exec bonuses, even when he and his Socialist Party set them up ahead of time in H.R.1 (the Stimulus Bill). Then there's Cap and Trade, which will kill small businesses. This will be addressed in another blog.
As I've read in the excruciatingly painful Conference Report of H.R. 1, Agriculture has been allocated what appears to be about $16 Billion. When FDR created the first farmer subsidies that basically paid them not to produce certain crops, did you know that we had to import those same crops to the tune of 35 million bushels of corn, 13 million bushels of wheat and 36 million pounds of cotton? Does that make sense to you? Even in 2009 we are still doing it.
I would suggest that the Usurpent has studied FDR's regime hard and for a long time. You should be convinced that he is working for the Amerika that he loves.
At the top of this page are two recent graphs (February 2009) from the Federal Bureau of Labor and Statistics that depict what the Usurpent is after. The first graph indicates the growth of labor in the government sector. The second graph portrays employment in the private sector. And there you have it.
Now, the Usurpent is Just Like Paris Hilton
Now that the obamadent (new name: usurpent) has made the first ever Presidential appearance on the Tonight Show, he is right down there with tabloid bubblehead iconette, Paris Hilton. Here's the leader of the free world, so-called, light-heartedly discussing presidential life, basketball rims at the white house, those wicked AIG execs, his bad bowling score (129), and the economy.
First off, the AIG bonuses aren't the issue; to corrupt a Clintonesque line, it's the bailout, stupid!
Secondly, we need to ask how much those new roll-out basketball goals are going to cost the Chinese. I doubt that the usurpent has that kind of cash.
And C, by taking a cue from Robin Williams' Man of the Year, is the usurpent trying to be a true populist to garner the support of the American proletariat, or does he just wanna be a teevee star? Either way, the usurpent is an embarassment to me, just like Paris Hilton.
First off, the AIG bonuses aren't the issue; to corrupt a Clintonesque line, it's the bailout, stupid!
Secondly, we need to ask how much those new roll-out basketball goals are going to cost the Chinese. I doubt that the usurpent has that kind of cash.
And C, by taking a cue from Robin Williams' Man of the Year, is the usurpent trying to be a true populist to garner the support of the American proletariat, or does he just wanna be a teevee star? Either way, the usurpent is an embarassment to me, just like Paris Hilton.
Lies and Truths by America's Executive Usurpent
Below are the highlights of the many broken promises of the obamadent as listed by a well-known political action group. I have re-written them slightly to reflect my personal disgust for this man and his minions. A "person of faith", as he has called himself, wouldn't break a promise, would he? I certainly hope all of the evil he is stirring up will lead to the ending of his Executive Usurpant status.
The obamadent ran as a centrist-liberal presidential candidate (emphasizing that 95% of Americans would get tax cuts, etc..)
Reality: the obamadent is leading the Socialist Party, a.k.a as a left-wing socialist radical president. In less than 50 days, he and his Democrat-controlled Congress have spent an incredible $1.2 trillion in pork-filled spending. It will cost Americans $24 billion a day [Can you imagine spending a billion dollars an hour?]. And he recently proposed a whopping $3.6 trillion budget on top of that. The obamadent will incur -- while he is in office -- more debt than that incurred by all former presidents put together; from President George Washington to President George W Bush!.
The obamadent said in his campaign that he would establish a post-partisan presidency. He said Americans are tired of partisan politics. I don't think that is actually the case. I think people are tired of our leaders using partisan politics as an excuse for not getting anything done.
Reality: The obamadent has established one of the most partisan presidencies in American history. His partisan chief of staff goes on Sunday talk shows and blasts Republicans for listening to Rush Limbaugh. His equally partisan press secretary likewise bashes critics of Obama at CNBC.
The obamadent said in his campaign that he would oppose earmarks or what is commonly known as pork projects in spending bills coming out of Congress.
Reality: On the very same day that he yet again blasted Congress for putting earmarks in spending bills, he signed the gargantuan 1/2 trillion (with interest) FY09 Omnibus bill with almost 9,000 pork projects. Incidentally, the obamadent also promised during his campaign that he would allow Americans to have 5 days to look at any new bill before he signs it. Yet, he signed this pork-filled bill only one day after Congress passed it.
In fact, there has been no opportunity for us to review anything, and by the way, it will always take longer than five days to review any bill. I've had the Stimulus Bill on my desk for two weeks and still I haven't finished it. I think one of the more thoughtful touches to the Omnibus Spending bill is the Congressional pay raise. Here's an observation: Omni means 'everything', a 'bus' is for carrying people. When you combine the words omni, bus, and spending, don't you get 'spending all of the people's money'?
The obamadent blasted President Bush in his presidential campaign last year for Bush's issuing signing statements when Congress sent him legislation which clarified the administration's position on the legislation including parts of the legislation the president considered unconstitutional.
Reality: Even before the date of President Bush's first signing statement issued in March 2001, Barack Hussein Obama issued his first signing statement a couple weeks earlier than in Bush's first year in office, using the same kind of reasoning as President Bush did.
The obamadent piously promised in his campaign that lobbyists would have no part in his administration in order to keep the corrupting influences of special interests out of his administration.
Reality: How can we count the ways! In countless positions in his administration, the obamadent has made an exception to the rule and nominated lobbyists for top level positions including William Lynn, the Defense Department's deputy secretary, who was registered to lobby for Raytheon, one of America's largest defense contractors.
The obamadent constantly promised during his presidential campaign that his would be the most ethical administration in history. Ethical? Really?
Reality: The obamadent has nominated for his administration, top level officials who have cheated on their taxes. Indeed, his Secretary of the Treasury -- who is in charge of the Internal Revenue Service, and thus is responsible for pursuing those who have not paid their taxes -- owed the Internal Revenue Service tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes and only paid them back when he was nominated for his post. And he's doing such a great job, too.
Finally, one of the obamadent's biggest whoppers (and I'm not talking flatulence here) -- which actually enabled him to buy the presidency -- was his November 2007 prevarication that he would only accept public financing of his presidential campaign. Senator John McCain did not accept public financing. BHO lied and won the presidency and America is suffering the results.
However, the obamadent is also beginning to suffer the results of his prevarications as evidenced by his sinking approval ratings (56% in recent polls) which are now lower than President George W. Bush's approval ratings at the same point in time of their presidencies.
We the people are the ones suffering while the obamadent is not suffering at all. If we would just end this administration now, we wouldn't need to worry about stuff like this.
The obamadent ran as a centrist-liberal presidential candidate (emphasizing that 95% of Americans would get tax cuts, etc..)
Reality: the obamadent is leading the Socialist Party, a.k.a as a left-wing socialist radical president. In less than 50 days, he and his Democrat-controlled Congress have spent an incredible $1.2 trillion in pork-filled spending. It will cost Americans $24 billion a day [Can you imagine spending a billion dollars an hour?]. And he recently proposed a whopping $3.6 trillion budget on top of that. The obamadent will incur -- while he is in office -- more debt than that incurred by all former presidents put together; from President George Washington to President George W Bush!.
The obamadent said in his campaign that he would establish a post-partisan presidency. He said Americans are tired of partisan politics. I don't think that is actually the case. I think people are tired of our leaders using partisan politics as an excuse for not getting anything done.
Reality: The obamadent has established one of the most partisan presidencies in American history. His partisan chief of staff goes on Sunday talk shows and blasts Republicans for listening to Rush Limbaugh. His equally partisan press secretary likewise bashes critics of Obama at CNBC.
The obamadent said in his campaign that he would oppose earmarks or what is commonly known as pork projects in spending bills coming out of Congress.
Reality: On the very same day that he yet again blasted Congress for putting earmarks in spending bills, he signed the gargantuan 1/2 trillion (with interest) FY09 Omnibus bill with almost 9,000 pork projects. Incidentally, the obamadent also promised during his campaign that he would allow Americans to have 5 days to look at any new bill before he signs it. Yet, he signed this pork-filled bill only one day after Congress passed it.
In fact, there has been no opportunity for us to review anything, and by the way, it will always take longer than five days to review any bill. I've had the Stimulus Bill on my desk for two weeks and still I haven't finished it. I think one of the more thoughtful touches to the Omnibus Spending bill is the Congressional pay raise. Here's an observation: Omni means 'everything', a 'bus' is for carrying people. When you combine the words omni, bus, and spending, don't you get 'spending all of the people's money'?
The obamadent blasted President Bush in his presidential campaign last year for Bush's issuing signing statements when Congress sent him legislation which clarified the administration's position on the legislation including parts of the legislation the president considered unconstitutional.
Reality: Even before the date of President Bush's first signing statement issued in March 2001, Barack Hussein Obama issued his first signing statement a couple weeks earlier than in Bush's first year in office, using the same kind of reasoning as President Bush did.
The obamadent piously promised in his campaign that lobbyists would have no part in his administration in order to keep the corrupting influences of special interests out of his administration.
Reality: How can we count the ways! In countless positions in his administration, the obamadent has made an exception to the rule and nominated lobbyists for top level positions including William Lynn, the Defense Department's deputy secretary, who was registered to lobby for Raytheon, one of America's largest defense contractors.
The obamadent constantly promised during his presidential campaign that his would be the most ethical administration in history. Ethical? Really?
Reality: The obamadent has nominated for his administration, top level officials who have cheated on their taxes. Indeed, his Secretary of the Treasury -- who is in charge of the Internal Revenue Service, and thus is responsible for pursuing those who have not paid their taxes -- owed the Internal Revenue Service tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes and only paid them back when he was nominated for his post. And he's doing such a great job, too.
Finally, one of the obamadent's biggest whoppers (and I'm not talking flatulence here) -- which actually enabled him to buy the presidency -- was his November 2007 prevarication that he would only accept public financing of his presidential campaign. Senator John McCain did not accept public financing. BHO lied and won the presidency and America is suffering the results.
However, the obamadent is also beginning to suffer the results of his prevarications as evidenced by his sinking approval ratings (56% in recent polls) which are now lower than President George W. Bush's approval ratings at the same point in time of their presidencies.
We the people are the ones suffering while the obamadent is not suffering at all. If we would just end this administration now, we wouldn't need to worry about stuff like this.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Okay, I'll Do It!
A quick review of the thirty top-paying White House jobs for 2008 reveals that the first eighteen were valued the same at $172,200 each, while the next twelve vary slightly but all were above $150,000. These are mostly "Assistants to the President" in different roles like the economy, defense, brown-noser, etc. That's roughly $5,000,000 that we're paying to have bad advice given to the obamadent, so I started thinking....
In an effort to help save the country, I have decided that, if asked, I will work for the current administration, telecommuting as Assistant to the President for Social and Economic Success. This will be a new category that will need to be added down at HR, but the good news is that I'll work for free. I was going to suggest an annual salary of $100,000 (a great value), but I hear that the government is running short on cash these days; so, being the patriot that I am, I'll sacrifice and do the job for free. You'd have to agree that this is a magnanimous gesture on my part.
Well, just remember this quote from Edmund Burke:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
In an effort to help save the country, I have decided that, if asked, I will work for the current administration, telecommuting as Assistant to the President for Social and Economic Success. This will be a new category that will need to be added down at HR, but the good news is that I'll work for free. I was going to suggest an annual salary of $100,000 (a great value), but I hear that the government is running short on cash these days; so, being the patriot that I am, I'll sacrifice and do the job for free. You'd have to agree that this is a magnanimous gesture on my part.
Well, just remember this quote from Edmund Burke:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
None of Our Leaders Read the Stimulus Bill Before Voting
I have in front of me the Conference Report that accompanies H.R.1, a.k.a. the Stimulus Bill, a.k.a. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This weighty tome consists of 781 pages. It lists all the government departments, agencies, and programs and the exhorbitant sums of millions and billions of dollars that have been allocated thereto.
Assuming that my title premise is false and that our fearless leaders/brainless followers did read the bill, there is no way that they could have a thorough understanding of the allocations made to these departments, agencies and programs. They would have had to remember the hundreds of acts of law passed during the last 100 years or so, as so many are referenced in the bill. Also, as quickly as it was crammed down our throats, no one could possibly have had the time to read it and fully comprehend it.
How were the figures calculated? For example, why does the "Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program" get another $650,000,000 compared to the "Economic Development Assistance Programs" that will only get $150,000,000? Then there's an additional amount of $1,000,000,000 to count how many people we have in our country and where they live. It seems to me that we could pinch pennies here and skip the census this year.
Obviously, the list goes on in order to total $1 Trillion and I'm having difficulty understanding the amounts given and what exactly they're being given to.
One thing that I've noticed in reading this Conference Report is that much of the money is in the form of grants. Grants aren't funds that can be readily accessed by the average American citizen. One must apply for them, and careful wording is necessary in order to be considered. Also, the applicant must be engaged in an activity that can be supported/endorsed by one of the government departments, agencies or programs. The average citizen isn't going to receive any help from the stimulus bill that has become (another bad) law.
Further, unless small and large businesses can get creative and fabricate pursuits in research, experimentation, or the arts, it is doubtful that business will benefit from any of the stimulus monies from grants.
Our government is officially a failure, as is the obamadent, and anyone who supports such idiocy, with the passing of this law. Businesses need to be helped in the form of a freeze on all taxes, and otherwise need to be left alone. This includes General Motors, all banks, insurance companies and investment houses. The free market must be allowed to be free!
Personal taxes also should be freezed. I've said this before, but the Fair Tax is needed NOW! The obamadent refuses to address important economic issues that are vital to the continuation of our country as we have come to enjoy it for all these years. He's promoting his own socialist agenda and will be the downfall of the U.S. if he and his minions are not stopped.
read more about the fair tax at:
Assuming that my title premise is false and that our fearless leaders/brainless followers did read the bill, there is no way that they could have a thorough understanding of the allocations made to these departments, agencies and programs. They would have had to remember the hundreds of acts of law passed during the last 100 years or so, as so many are referenced in the bill. Also, as quickly as it was crammed down our throats, no one could possibly have had the time to read it and fully comprehend it.
How were the figures calculated? For example, why does the "Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program" get another $650,000,000 compared to the "Economic Development Assistance Programs" that will only get $150,000,000? Then there's an additional amount of $1,000,000,000 to count how many people we have in our country and where they live. It seems to me that we could pinch pennies here and skip the census this year.
Obviously, the list goes on in order to total $1 Trillion and I'm having difficulty understanding the amounts given and what exactly they're being given to.
One thing that I've noticed in reading this Conference Report is that much of the money is in the form of grants. Grants aren't funds that can be readily accessed by the average American citizen. One must apply for them, and careful wording is necessary in order to be considered. Also, the applicant must be engaged in an activity that can be supported/endorsed by one of the government departments, agencies or programs. The average citizen isn't going to receive any help from the stimulus bill that has become (another bad) law.
Further, unless small and large businesses can get creative and fabricate pursuits in research, experimentation, or the arts, it is doubtful that business will benefit from any of the stimulus monies from grants.
Our government is officially a failure, as is the obamadent, and anyone who supports such idiocy, with the passing of this law. Businesses need to be helped in the form of a freeze on all taxes, and otherwise need to be left alone. This includes General Motors, all banks, insurance companies and investment houses. The free market must be allowed to be free!
Personal taxes also should be freezed. I've said this before, but the Fair Tax is needed NOW! The obamadent refuses to address important economic issues that are vital to the continuation of our country as we have come to enjoy it for all these years. He's promoting his own socialist agenda and will be the downfall of the U.S. if he and his minions are not stopped.
read more about the fair tax at:
George Romney's Thoughts Still Are Applicable Today
I re-discovered this article in my bedside table last night. It is an article that my dad gave to me in 1992 that appeared in various newspapers just prior to the 1992Presidential election. Mr. Romney proposed a voting criteria of ten tenets which I have re-printed below. If only our leaders and voters would believe in them....
1. Our principle problems are within and not without.
2. America's unprecedented success has spawned unprecedented problems; in particular, horrendous social problems.
3. Too many of our children are not being educated and trained for the future.
4. To remain great we must again emphasize politically, economically and socially those basic methods that made us great in the first place.
5. It is the individualism that freedom permits that makes superior American teamwork possible.
6. It is free competitive enterprise that produces the greatest economic progress--not, primarily, government regulation and control.
7. The power of monopolies and excessive special interests stifle education, economic growth and social problem solving.
8. It is people helping people, not money, that most effectively solves social problems.
9. Excessive reliance on government to solve social problems has become counterproductive.
10. No family, no enterprise, no government can continue to spend beyond its income, as we are doing, without becomming dependent, bankrupt or impoverished.
It goes without saying that numbers 4,6, and 10 need to be heeded by the obamadent and his minions. Earlier today, someone commented to me that some of my blogs were too "radical". My response is that, although I have espoused nothing especially radical on this site, please realize that these are desperate times that require a radical response. I'm willing to enter the Second Revolutionary War if that is what it takes to turn our country around.
Who's with me?
1. Our principle problems are within and not without.
2. America's unprecedented success has spawned unprecedented problems; in particular, horrendous social problems.
3. Too many of our children are not being educated and trained for the future.
4. To remain great we must again emphasize politically, economically and socially those basic methods that made us great in the first place.
5. It is the individualism that freedom permits that makes superior American teamwork possible.
6. It is free competitive enterprise that produces the greatest economic progress--not, primarily, government regulation and control.
7. The power of monopolies and excessive special interests stifle education, economic growth and social problem solving.
8. It is people helping people, not money, that most effectively solves social problems.
9. Excessive reliance on government to solve social problems has become counterproductive.
10. No family, no enterprise, no government can continue to spend beyond its income, as we are doing, without becomming dependent, bankrupt or impoverished.
It goes without saying that numbers 4,6, and 10 need to be heeded by the obamadent and his minions. Earlier today, someone commented to me that some of my blogs were too "radical". My response is that, although I have espoused nothing especially radical on this site, please realize that these are desperate times that require a radical response. I'm willing to enter the Second Revolutionary War if that is what it takes to turn our country around.
Who's with me?
Another Virginia Race Has Begun (Yawn)
I was just opening today's mail and found a political brochure for someone running for Attorney General in Virginia. What truly is amazing is that this person's platform is the same as all the other Republicans' platforms for the past twenty years! I've noticed this before, but now that I have blog power, I can put my two cents in.
Reading down the bulleted highlights of this fellow's slick brochure, he's pro-death penalty (too bad), he's pro-life like President Reagan, he's pro-2nd Amendment, he's the only one who has successfully deported illegal alliens (okay, this is a fairly new issue), he's volunteered on campaigns from Ronald Reagan onto "G.O.P. victory in 2009", and he's a free-market, pro-business M.BA Army veteran.
First, let's talk about the death penalty. Why is this a Republican virtue? The death penalty is wrong because
1) we shouldn't play God to decide who prematurely dies (convicts or the pre- born),
2) the death penalty hasn't hindered the crazies out there who commit truly heinous crimes,
3) the death penalty promotes vengeance amongst the citizenry ("vengeance is mine, sayeht the Lord"), and
4) the death penalty limits a person's time to hear the Gospel and to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
From what I've seen and read, I believe that more Republicans than Democrats like the death penalty for some reason, but it shouldn't be a party issue. It is an issue of conscience.
Okay, onto the Constitution and the hallowed Second Amendment. If you don't like this amendment, you don't qualify as a Virginian. Threats to the right to bear arms, however, are irrelevant to the people who use them either for hunting, target shooting, or for self-defense. These people will obtain pistols and rifles even with severe gun restrictions. I would suggest that they would do so especially if these rights were ever infringed, and rightfully so. We cannot allow for intrusive government. Right? Isn't that right? So, why do we contually campaign on this as an issue?
Ronald Reagan is mentioned twice in this flyer. Granted, we haven't had too many GOP presidents who have been as conservative as he, but it's time to stop aligning candidates with other leaders. Stand on your own. Being an Army Ranger is an admirable quality. I appreciate his service to our country.
Being a lawyer is requisite for the job, but it's nothing to brag about, even if he has successfully deported illegal aliens. Where are the strict laws that we need to ensure that few, if any, illegals enter the country? And why aren't any of the tens of thousands of other lawyers deporting illegal aliens? We'd almost have the problem solved if each attorney would deport one illegal!
Concerning being pro-business, the only ones who aren't are the obamadent and the other radical members of the liberal jihad.
I have nothing against this candidate. Heck, I usually don't oppose anyone until they start talking. The brochure pictures are pleasant enough (although his cover photo gives the appearance that he just inhaled a black fly) and he seems like a good, family-oriented, friendly, no-nonsense kind of guy. I guess I'd vote for him, but, before I cast my vote, I've got to read the other 400 mailings I'll be receiving between now and Election Day.
Reading down the bulleted highlights of this fellow's slick brochure, he's pro-death penalty (too bad), he's pro-life like President Reagan, he's pro-2nd Amendment, he's the only one who has successfully deported illegal alliens (okay, this is a fairly new issue), he's volunteered on campaigns from Ronald Reagan onto "G.O.P. victory in 2009", and he's a free-market, pro-business M.BA Army veteran.
First, let's talk about the death penalty. Why is this a Republican virtue? The death penalty is wrong because
1) we shouldn't play God to decide who prematurely dies (convicts or the pre- born),
2) the death penalty hasn't hindered the crazies out there who commit truly heinous crimes,
3) the death penalty promotes vengeance amongst the citizenry ("vengeance is mine, sayeht the Lord"), and
4) the death penalty limits a person's time to hear the Gospel and to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
From what I've seen and read, I believe that more Republicans than Democrats like the death penalty for some reason, but it shouldn't be a party issue. It is an issue of conscience.
Okay, onto the Constitution and the hallowed Second Amendment. If you don't like this amendment, you don't qualify as a Virginian. Threats to the right to bear arms, however, are irrelevant to the people who use them either for hunting, target shooting, or for self-defense. These people will obtain pistols and rifles even with severe gun restrictions. I would suggest that they would do so especially if these rights were ever infringed, and rightfully so. We cannot allow for intrusive government. Right? Isn't that right? So, why do we contually campaign on this as an issue?
Ronald Reagan is mentioned twice in this flyer. Granted, we haven't had too many GOP presidents who have been as conservative as he, but it's time to stop aligning candidates with other leaders. Stand on your own. Being an Army Ranger is an admirable quality. I appreciate his service to our country.
Being a lawyer is requisite for the job, but it's nothing to brag about, even if he has successfully deported illegal aliens. Where are the strict laws that we need to ensure that few, if any, illegals enter the country? And why aren't any of the tens of thousands of other lawyers deporting illegal aliens? We'd almost have the problem solved if each attorney would deport one illegal!
Concerning being pro-business, the only ones who aren't are the obamadent and the other radical members of the liberal jihad.
I have nothing against this candidate. Heck, I usually don't oppose anyone until they start talking. The brochure pictures are pleasant enough (although his cover photo gives the appearance that he just inhaled a black fly) and he seems like a good, family-oriented, friendly, no-nonsense kind of guy. I guess I'd vote for him, but, before I cast my vote, I've got to read the other 400 mailings I'll be receiving between now and Election Day.
Friday, March 6, 2009
I'm Suing Obamadent and the Liberal Establishment
I went to see the doctor today with symptoms of fatigue. I've been feeling winded after exertions every now and then, something that's been increasingly occurring since November (if I had to pick a date, it probably started the day after the Presidential election) of 2008.
So, the doctor poked here and there, took my blood pressure, listened to my heart beat, took an EKG reading, and asked some questions about how I felt. I mentioned the exertion part when I would feel somewhat winded, but I also explained how I can walk two brisk miles a day, go up and down ladders and single-handedly frame buildings. I then mentioned that I thought I was depressed because, after all, depression can cause numerous symptoms and real illness.
My doctor asked me what might be the cause of my depression and I said, "the economy and the direction in which the country is going." He said, "Oh. Has this ever happened before?" I wanted to say, "No. This is the first time America has been attacked by her own people," but instead, I told him that it hadn't and I mentioned that I tend to take things national more seriously than most; sort of like John Coffey in Stephen King's "The Green Mile", except that I can't "hep" anyone. Anyway, he set me up for a stress test next week. Stay tuned for the results....
I am blessed beyond many. I have a great family, everyone in my family still is employed, and those who have bought houses still own them. Really, I shouldn't be depressed at all, but I am, and I blame the obamadent for all of it. If he doesn't sprout horns in the coming months, I'll sure be surprised. He's the antithesis of the traditional American value system and the Capitalist way. To date, the obamadent has done nothing positive for America, but he's reversed good policies and created devasting ones for which we'll pay for generations. This should depress you, too!
Because my depression has been caused by the obamadent, I feel it is my duty (in good ol' 21st century litigiousness) to file suit against the obamadent and his minions (the adminionstration) along with the Democratic National Committee and all major media outlets. Perhaps there are others out there who have similar symptoms. If so, we can file a class-action lawsuit and finally live the American dream! Given the trillions of dollars being haded out like monopoly money, I think they'll settle out of court for $200 million. That will be enough to pay off my kids' mortgages, send their kids to college and possibly pay off their mortgages.
I just hope there's still a country left for them to live in.
So, the doctor poked here and there, took my blood pressure, listened to my heart beat, took an EKG reading, and asked some questions about how I felt. I mentioned the exertion part when I would feel somewhat winded, but I also explained how I can walk two brisk miles a day, go up and down ladders and single-handedly frame buildings. I then mentioned that I thought I was depressed because, after all, depression can cause numerous symptoms and real illness.
My doctor asked me what might be the cause of my depression and I said, "the economy and the direction in which the country is going." He said, "Oh. Has this ever happened before?" I wanted to say, "No. This is the first time America has been attacked by her own people," but instead, I told him that it hadn't and I mentioned that I tend to take things national more seriously than most; sort of like John Coffey in Stephen King's "The Green Mile", except that I can't "hep" anyone. Anyway, he set me up for a stress test next week. Stay tuned for the results....
I am blessed beyond many. I have a great family, everyone in my family still is employed, and those who have bought houses still own them. Really, I shouldn't be depressed at all, but I am, and I blame the obamadent for all of it. If he doesn't sprout horns in the coming months, I'll sure be surprised. He's the antithesis of the traditional American value system and the Capitalist way. To date, the obamadent has done nothing positive for America, but he's reversed good policies and created devasting ones for which we'll pay for generations. This should depress you, too!
Because my depression has been caused by the obamadent, I feel it is my duty (in good ol' 21st century litigiousness) to file suit against the obamadent and his minions (the adminionstration) along with the Democratic National Committee and all major media outlets. Perhaps there are others out there who have similar symptoms. If so, we can file a class-action lawsuit and finally live the American dream! Given the trillions of dollars being haded out like monopoly money, I think they'll settle out of court for $200 million. That will be enough to pay off my kids' mortgages, send their kids to college and possibly pay off their mortgages.
I just hope there's still a country left for them to live in.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
To the Obamadent: You're Not Humble, but Neither Are We
To the readers:
Despite being elected by 52% or 53% of the people, it is impossible to recognize Barack H. Obama as a legal citizen of the U.S. without legally documented proof; and because he has not earned any respect from this blogger, he is refered always as "the obamadent", or in the title of an entry as "Obamadent".
To the obamadent:
You have chosen to play God by attempting to control human live births, you are making rash decisions while being convinced by others instead of by consulting the will of God. It is wise to obtain the counsel of others, but those others need to be Godly, experienced men.
You have professed to be a Christian, something that is truly between you and God, yet you have shown no signs of Christian behavior. One thing that shows that we have made that step of faith is our walk, or in easier terms, by our actions. Your latest selection of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services proves your insincerity once again. She's been a favorite of Planned Parenthood (a truly wicked organization) for several years, she has vetoed restrictive abortion legislation, and in 2008, she was even asked by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann (Kansas City, KS) to stop taking communion until she publicly repudiates her support of abortion.
As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, II Chronicles 7:14 is critical if we want the right kind of change for our nation. I'm sure you've either heard it or seen it somewhere by now, but here it is again for your convenience. Please keep in mind that this is God speaking to us!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.
To the obamadent and to the reader:
God has provided the answer to the generally crappy condition we find ourselves in in the United States and for every country who will follow His plan. We've become too cocky and arrogant, we've been self-reliant for so long as to have been duped into believing that we can do anything, that we've forgotten from whence we came. Our money says "In God We Trust", but our so-called leaders have turned that around and shoved the idea down our throats, especially by the Democratic Party, that it is "In Money We Trust". Even money we don't have.
We are not humble, we're not repentant, but we are failing. The fool repeatedly performs the same task and expects different results each time. Perhaps it is time to stop playing the fool in how we conduct our lives and our governments.
Despite being elected by 52% or 53% of the people, it is impossible to recognize Barack H. Obama as a legal citizen of the U.S. without legally documented proof; and because he has not earned any respect from this blogger, he is refered always as "the obamadent", or in the title of an entry as "Obamadent".
To the obamadent:
You have chosen to play God by attempting to control human live births, you are making rash decisions while being convinced by others instead of by consulting the will of God. It is wise to obtain the counsel of others, but those others need to be Godly, experienced men.
You have professed to be a Christian, something that is truly between you and God, yet you have shown no signs of Christian behavior. One thing that shows that we have made that step of faith is our walk, or in easier terms, by our actions. Your latest selection of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services proves your insincerity once again. She's been a favorite of Planned Parenthood (a truly wicked organization) for several years, she has vetoed restrictive abortion legislation, and in 2008, she was even asked by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann (Kansas City, KS) to stop taking communion until she publicly repudiates her support of abortion.
As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, II Chronicles 7:14 is critical if we want the right kind of change for our nation. I'm sure you've either heard it or seen it somewhere by now, but here it is again for your convenience. Please keep in mind that this is God speaking to us!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.
To the obamadent and to the reader:
God has provided the answer to the generally crappy condition we find ourselves in in the United States and for every country who will follow His plan. We've become too cocky and arrogant, we've been self-reliant for so long as to have been duped into believing that we can do anything, that we've forgotten from whence we came. Our money says "In God We Trust", but our so-called leaders have turned that around and shoved the idea down our throats, especially by the Democratic Party, that it is "In Money We Trust". Even money we don't have.
We are not humble, we're not repentant, but we are failing. The fool repeatedly performs the same task and expects different results each time. Perhaps it is time to stop playing the fool in how we conduct our lives and our governments.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Conversations with Mom
Sometimes the best solutions are derived from good old-fashioned talks with your family. This afternoon I was having some Earl Grey with my mom, and, being the staunch conservatives that the Thompsons are, the conversation quickly turned to politics and the trouble with the GOP. She's frustrated, I'm frustrated, my wife is, and, actually, I have yet to meet someone who loves how Big Brother is accelerating our ruin as a nation.
We discussed what many Americans are infuriated over; things like Congress, the obamadent, the economy, Democrats, and the Republican Party. Specifically, my mom called the obamadent "evil personified". Don't say that about my mom--she's a very sweet and gentle Christian woman! We agreed that moderate to liberally-soaked Congress needs to be shut down and new conservative members need to replace them. We also agreed that once in office, there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats, especially after they've been indoctrinated.
One thing that came out of all this was a very simple truth: To win back the White House, all the GOP needs is a perfect candidate. I have compiled a short list of the attributes of a winning candidate (not in order of priority):
1. Age mid 40s to mid 50s
2. Attractive
3. Not Arab, Indian or Hispanic
4. Passionate about America and her people
5. If experienced in office, having a proven record of conservatism
6. Suggestions for solutions, not simply criticisms
7. Good moral character
8. If inexperienced, great intestinal fortitude and stamina
9. Not willing to change issue positions based on polls
10. Basing all decisions on Godly principles for the greater good
"Attractive" here means having a good physical appearance with no obvious features that easily can be characatured. It also means having no physical handicaps. This all seems superficial and cruel, but the truth is that voters associate success, strength and ability with attractiveness. If this were not so, then Bob Dole would have won and Hollywood would be staging eating contests and Western Sizzlin', Captain George's, and Old Country Buffet would be the hotspots of the stars. Also, if Franklin (Give-It-Away) Roosevelt could have been televised and Richard Nixon would not have been in 1960, each of them would have seen different election results.
Number three will, no doubt, offend someone of -- wait, let me guess -- Arab, Indian or Hispanic descent. In this blog, "Arab" means "Middle Eastern", and for this for obvious reasons. After watching the GOP response to the obamadent's address to Congress this week by Piyush (Bobby) Jindal, Governor of Louisiana, I made this decision. Besides looking like a darker-pigmented Al Gore, he sounded like Kenneth from 30Rock and the whole presentation was, well, weird. It was like, "No, Mr. Donaghy, Ah din't invint th' innernit. It wuz mah great grandpah Guptah Singh Shankar." The fact that Gov. Jindal didn't lambaste the obamadent is appreciated, but to make a clear rebuttal should have included specifics of how the GOP plans will work. Tough enough to do given such a limited time, too much time was devoted to drawing similarities of Jindals to the obamadent's life.
Anyway, because Hispanics are being allowed to overrun U.S. jobs and language via illegal immigration, most Americans should have an attitude against an Hispanic President. For clarification, this blogger is not a redneck and has nothing against legal immigrants, as long as they stop entering our country!
The rest of the list is self-explanatory. These are the qualities of a winner. Perhaps the bigger point to make here is that today it is difficult to find someone who fits the bill and who wants to make the sacrifice for his country by running and holding office. Along these lines, please read my campaign reform blog.
We discussed what many Americans are infuriated over; things like Congress, the obamadent, the economy, Democrats, and the Republican Party. Specifically, my mom called the obamadent "evil personified". Don't say that about my mom--she's a very sweet and gentle Christian woman! We agreed that moderate to liberally-soaked Congress needs to be shut down and new conservative members need to replace them. We also agreed that once in office, there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats, especially after they've been indoctrinated.
One thing that came out of all this was a very simple truth: To win back the White House, all the GOP needs is a perfect candidate. I have compiled a short list of the attributes of a winning candidate (not in order of priority):
1. Age mid 40s to mid 50s
2. Attractive
3. Not Arab, Indian or Hispanic
4. Passionate about America and her people
5. If experienced in office, having a proven record of conservatism
6. Suggestions for solutions, not simply criticisms
7. Good moral character
8. If inexperienced, great intestinal fortitude and stamina
9. Not willing to change issue positions based on polls
10. Basing all decisions on Godly principles for the greater good
"Attractive" here means having a good physical appearance with no obvious features that easily can be characatured. It also means having no physical handicaps. This all seems superficial and cruel, but the truth is that voters associate success, strength and ability with attractiveness. If this were not so, then Bob Dole would have won and Hollywood would be staging eating contests and Western Sizzlin', Captain George's, and Old Country Buffet would be the hotspots of the stars. Also, if Franklin (Give-It-Away) Roosevelt could have been televised and Richard Nixon would not have been in 1960, each of them would have seen different election results.
Number three will, no doubt, offend someone of -- wait, let me guess -- Arab, Indian or Hispanic descent. In this blog, "Arab" means "Middle Eastern", and for this for obvious reasons. After watching the GOP response to the obamadent's address to Congress this week by Piyush (Bobby) Jindal, Governor of Louisiana, I made this decision. Besides looking like a darker-pigmented Al Gore, he sounded like Kenneth from 30Rock and the whole presentation was, well, weird. It was like, "No, Mr. Donaghy, Ah din't invint th' innernit. It wuz mah great grandpah Guptah Singh Shankar." The fact that Gov. Jindal didn't lambaste the obamadent is appreciated, but to make a clear rebuttal should have included specifics of how the GOP plans will work. Tough enough to do given such a limited time, too much time was devoted to drawing similarities of Jindals to the obamadent's life.
Anyway, because Hispanics are being allowed to overrun U.S. jobs and language via illegal immigration, most Americans should have an attitude against an Hispanic President. For clarification, this blogger is not a redneck and has nothing against legal immigrants, as long as they stop entering our country!
The rest of the list is self-explanatory. These are the qualities of a winner. Perhaps the bigger point to make here is that today it is difficult to find someone who fits the bill and who wants to make the sacrifice for his country by running and holding office. Along these lines, please read my campaign reform blog.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Not the First African-American President
It's obvious only to some: The obamadent is not the first African-American to call himself "President".
First, he's not African-American. He's an American who happens to be of the Negroid race. Having a Caucasian mother and an Negroid father makes the obamadent a mulatto. There is nothing wrong with that. Thomas Jefferson's kids were, after all, mulattoes, and many American blacks whose families have lived in the U.S. for a few generations are, in fact, mulattoes. So, the obamadent is the first mulatto president of the U.S. We could delve into quadroons and octaroons and possibly find other presidents who may not be all-white, but let's just stop at halvsies.
It is interesting how he and the media emphasized only half of his racial heritage. It is understandable, however, because being white can be so boring, especially if you listen to the soft rock of the 1970s or watch any predominantly white sporting event, or attend an all-white church. Also, if he had played up being white, folks might have confused him for John McCain. The point here is that more needed to be said for his whiteness just for the sake of equality.
Just to prove that no one around here is a racist, this blogger thinks that J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, or Walter Williams would have been such a better choice....
First, he's not African-American. He's an American who happens to be of the Negroid race. Having a Caucasian mother and an Negroid father makes the obamadent a mulatto. There is nothing wrong with that. Thomas Jefferson's kids were, after all, mulattoes, and many American blacks whose families have lived in the U.S. for a few generations are, in fact, mulattoes. So, the obamadent is the first mulatto president of the U.S. We could delve into quadroons and octaroons and possibly find other presidents who may not be all-white, but let's just stop at halvsies.
It is interesting how he and the media emphasized only half of his racial heritage. It is understandable, however, because being white can be so boring, especially if you listen to the soft rock of the 1970s or watch any predominantly white sporting event, or attend an all-white church. Also, if he had played up being white, folks might have confused him for John McCain. The point here is that more needed to be said for his whiteness just for the sake of equality.
Just to prove that no one around here is a racist, this blogger thinks that J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, or Walter Williams would have been such a better choice....
Eric Holder: Change This!
According to United States Code Title 18, Section 871,
"...Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."
Attorney General Holder, that last line above needs to be eliminated until a better person is elected to replace who is currently holding the title. Under the current administration of the obamadent, the consequences should be light, if any, given the fact that this so called leader is worthless (okay, perhaps his family needs him; but then again, his kids already have a legacy as children of the first mulatto president, and there's a great life insurance payout).
This blogger certainly is not advocating assassination. That would be murder which, even though the obamadent believes is okey dokey with babies, should be frowned upon. Perhaps someone will get a Burr in his or her saddle....
"...Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both."
Attorney General Holder, that last line above needs to be eliminated until a better person is elected to replace who is currently holding the title. Under the current administration of the obamadent, the consequences should be light, if any, given the fact that this so called leader is worthless (okay, perhaps his family needs him; but then again, his kids already have a legacy as children of the first mulatto president, and there's a great life insurance payout).
This blogger certainly is not advocating assassination. That would be murder which, even though the obamadent believes is okey dokey with babies, should be frowned upon. Perhaps someone will get a Burr in his or her saddle....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Real Campaign Reform Begins with Amending the U.S. Constitution.
Here's how I see it. We've have so many problems in Washington, it's difficult to know where to begin. The first move would be to throw the bums out, that is, don't re-elect anyone who has been in office longer than two terms as Congressman and one term as Senator.
By amending our consitution to require that each congressman's term in the House shall be four years, as will each Senator's term. No person may be re-elected until they have sat out for twelve years. In this way, those who run for political office for reasons of greed and power will lose their incentive if they can't stay in office longer than four years at a time. This gives more (let's call them regular or normal) Americans an opportunity to fulfill a role in government.
You see, the problem we have now is that as soon as a Congressman is elected, he must begin campaigning for the next election only two years away. This distracts him from his job, making his number one issue re-election. This is pure inefficiency. On the Senate side, six years is too long between elections. Most senators are poor (moderate) decision makers anyway, for some reason. We know this to be true in Washington and here in Virginia's General Assembly.
Another immediate step we should take is to outlaw Political Action Committee contributions. By the constitution, PAC members have the right to assemble and petition their government leaders. There just shouldn't be any money involved that can and does purchase allegiance and votes. Foreign contributions are already illegal, yet is was reported recently that the obamadent was given donations by some folks in the Gaza strip during his campaign. A better means of tracking funds needs to be developed, which probably already exists now that the government owns nearly half of two major U.S. banks, CitiGroup and Bank of America.
Given the increasing usurpation of authority by government, we probably won't have the right to vote in the future; but for now, a spending cap needs to be placed on all national and state elections as follows:
President/Vice-President: $5,000,000.00
Congressman/Senator: $ 500,000.00
Governor: $ 100,000.00
State Representative/Senator $ 25,000.00
With this cap, obviously some changes will need to be made on the campaign front. The first is with regard to teevee, radio, and internet advertising. Americans need to have uninterupted quality teevee programming like The Biggest Loser, Super Nanny, and King of the Hill, so no television ads should be allowed. Similarly, radio and internet are only here for our listening and browsing pleasure, so we don't want to hear or see the enemy lie about his opponent, even if ACORN did pay for the ad.
Candidates should be allowed two real debates in each state, one in March, and one at the end of October to allow candidates to shift their positions based upon polling and misquotes, misunderstandings, etc. Americans who actually care about their country can attend one of these events, or they can watch them on teevee or the internet, or they can listen to them on the radio. Those who don't care so much and who trust the newspapers to print truth can read the New York Times and Washington Post for their respective versions. One other note here, no follow-up commentary will be allowed by the media. We want to keep their role in life to a minimum!
No negative campaigning should be allowed. The candidate can only speak of his own record or what his own position is on an issue. Attacks on voting records are mostly contrived because whatever issue is mentioned is taken out of context and is usually part of a huge bill that the candidate either didn't read thoroughly or didn't understand very well. A good salesman always promotes his own product and never talks trash about the competition.
Finally, one direct mail piece can be mailed to each household. This is instead of the current unlimited standard where each voting member in each household receives between ten and twenty propaganda pages during one election. The campaign sends some, the state party send more, and special interest groups send even more. It is utterly ridiculous. Again, the no negativity law applies here as well.
Think how great it will be to enact these measures! We'll save paper and, therefore, trees, we'll save time, money and energy, and we'll all be less aggravated. It's a win/win/win for everyone...except the loser (but he'll feel better about losing)!
By amending our consitution to require that each congressman's term in the House shall be four years, as will each Senator's term. No person may be re-elected until they have sat out for twelve years. In this way, those who run for political office for reasons of greed and power will lose their incentive if they can't stay in office longer than four years at a time. This gives more (let's call them regular or normal) Americans an opportunity to fulfill a role in government.
You see, the problem we have now is that as soon as a Congressman is elected, he must begin campaigning for the next election only two years away. This distracts him from his job, making his number one issue re-election. This is pure inefficiency. On the Senate side, six years is too long between elections. Most senators are poor (moderate) decision makers anyway, for some reason. We know this to be true in Washington and here in Virginia's General Assembly.
Another immediate step we should take is to outlaw Political Action Committee contributions. By the constitution, PAC members have the right to assemble and petition their government leaders. There just shouldn't be any money involved that can and does purchase allegiance and votes. Foreign contributions are already illegal, yet is was reported recently that the obamadent was given donations by some folks in the Gaza strip during his campaign. A better means of tracking funds needs to be developed, which probably already exists now that the government owns nearly half of two major U.S. banks, CitiGroup and Bank of America.
Given the increasing usurpation of authority by government, we probably won't have the right to vote in the future; but for now, a spending cap needs to be placed on all national and state elections as follows:
President/Vice-President: $5,000,000.00
Congressman/Senator: $ 500,000.00
Governor: $ 100,000.00
State Representative/Senator $ 25,000.00
With this cap, obviously some changes will need to be made on the campaign front. The first is with regard to teevee, radio, and internet advertising. Americans need to have uninterupted quality teevee programming like The Biggest Loser, Super Nanny, and King of the Hill, so no television ads should be allowed. Similarly, radio and internet are only here for our listening and browsing pleasure, so we don't want to hear or see the enemy lie about his opponent, even if ACORN did pay for the ad.
Candidates should be allowed two real debates in each state, one in March, and one at the end of October to allow candidates to shift their positions based upon polling and misquotes, misunderstandings, etc. Americans who actually care about their country can attend one of these events, or they can watch them on teevee or the internet, or they can listen to them on the radio. Those who don't care so much and who trust the newspapers to print truth can read the New York Times and Washington Post for their respective versions. One other note here, no follow-up commentary will be allowed by the media. We want to keep their role in life to a minimum!
No negative campaigning should be allowed. The candidate can only speak of his own record or what his own position is on an issue. Attacks on voting records are mostly contrived because whatever issue is mentioned is taken out of context and is usually part of a huge bill that the candidate either didn't read thoroughly or didn't understand very well. A good salesman always promotes his own product and never talks trash about the competition.
Finally, one direct mail piece can be mailed to each household. This is instead of the current unlimited standard where each voting member in each household receives between ten and twenty propaganda pages during one election. The campaign sends some, the state party send more, and special interest groups send even more. It is utterly ridiculous. Again, the no negativity law applies here as well.
Think how great it will be to enact these measures! We'll save paper and, therefore, trees, we'll save time, money and energy, and we'll all be less aggravated. It's a win/win/win for everyone...except the loser (but he'll feel better about losing)!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Borrow a Trillion Dollars, but Pay as You Go--Starting Now!
"The pay-go approach is based on a very simple concept. You don't spend what you don't have. So if we want to spend, we'll need to find somewhere else to cut," the president said at the White House Fiscal Responsibility Summit. "This is the rule that families across this country follow every single day, and there's no reason why their government shouldn't do the same."
Wow! Really? That's from today's Washington Times, a real non sequitur to the recent Stimulus Bill. I especially appreciate the obamadent explaining what 'pay as you go' means. The obamadent later said that he realizes that the "stimulus" will add to the deficit, but that it will be accounted for in the upcoming budgets. Oh, I see.
Unless income and corporate taxes are increased significantly (very likely) and government spending is reduced (highly unlikely), there is no way to catch up to what we owe China and the EU and pay back the exhorbitant amount of cash that will be distributed/re-distributed over the next three to four years.
With regard to the obamadent's statement that pay-as-you-go is what families follow, is he on drugs? (Come to think of it, yes, at least until he ran for President.) If American families followed pay-go, the banking and credit failures of recent years would not have happened. Debt is a bad thing, credit cards are no good, savings are good; three ideas that, on balance, Americans fail to grasp.
I hate to be a pessimist, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel with the incredibly stupid policies put forth by the Democrats. Even with transparency.
Wow! Really? That's from today's Washington Times, a real non sequitur to the recent Stimulus Bill. I especially appreciate the obamadent explaining what 'pay as you go' means. The obamadent later said that he realizes that the "stimulus" will add to the deficit, but that it will be accounted for in the upcoming budgets. Oh, I see.
Unless income and corporate taxes are increased significantly (very likely) and government spending is reduced (highly unlikely), there is no way to catch up to what we owe China and the EU and pay back the exhorbitant amount of cash that will be distributed/re-distributed over the next three to four years.
With regard to the obamadent's statement that pay-as-you-go is what families follow, is he on drugs? (Come to think of it, yes, at least until he ran for President.) If American families followed pay-go, the banking and credit failures of recent years would not have happened. Debt is a bad thing, credit cards are no good, savings are good; three ideas that, on balance, Americans fail to grasp.
I hate to be a pessimist, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel with the incredibly stupid policies put forth by the Democrats. Even with transparency.
Yo No Hablo Espanol, Pero Soy Americano...
I haven't yet figured out why the United States caters at all to the Mexicans. Sure, they're generally hard-working, and, okay, they comprise a large percentage of our labor force in agriculture and in construction. But those reasons don't justify forcing native Americans (people born in the U.S.) to have to choose English versus Spanish at the ATM, on any corporate voicemail system, or to look for the English version of the contents of a package at one of the warehouse stores.
Despite our economic problems of the moment, I believe that immigration policy needs to be re-written now. After all, a large portion of the Trillion-dollar plus bailout will, no doubt go to illegal immigrants either via welfare checks or health care and education services.
I propose the following ideas for U.S. immigration reform: 1) Immigrants must be fluent in English except for cases of political asylum. 2) The number of immigrants from each country should be limited to five families per year. This would be on a first-come, first-served basis. 3) English will be the only option in our public schools and in Corporate America. Millions of dollars are spent annually on training programs for employees and on ESL classes in public education. 4) Americans will be given priority in our own colleges and universities, even when GPAs and SAT scores are lower than those from abroad. If there is any space for foreign students after that, a limited number may apply. 5) Gradually deport all illegal immigrants permanently with no chance of re-admittance. This can be done over several years to allow businesses to find replacement labor.
I'm all in favor of adopting the best features from other cultures, but diversity in this country becomes adversity when it restricts the inalienable rights of Americans to pursue happiness, or when it just becomes too aggravating.
Despite our economic problems of the moment, I believe that immigration policy needs to be re-written now. After all, a large portion of the Trillion-dollar plus bailout will, no doubt go to illegal immigrants either via welfare checks or health care and education services.
I propose the following ideas for U.S. immigration reform: 1) Immigrants must be fluent in English except for cases of political asylum. 2) The number of immigrants from each country should be limited to five families per year. This would be on a first-come, first-served basis. 3) English will be the only option in our public schools and in Corporate America. Millions of dollars are spent annually on training programs for employees and on ESL classes in public education. 4) Americans will be given priority in our own colleges and universities, even when GPAs and SAT scores are lower than those from abroad. If there is any space for foreign students after that, a limited number may apply. 5) Gradually deport all illegal immigrants permanently with no chance of re-admittance. This can be done over several years to allow businesses to find replacement labor.
I'm all in favor of adopting the best features from other cultures, but diversity in this country becomes adversity when it restricts the inalienable rights of Americans to pursue happiness, or when it just becomes too aggravating.
Friday, February 20, 2009
U.S. Government: Solutions for a Sound Economy
First, let's kill all the lawyers (Henry VI, Part II). Just kidding...
It is estimated that only three percent of the new $1,000,000,000,000.00 spending bill will be doled out in 2009, with the balance being distributed (or re-distributed) over the following two years. Things need to happen now to improve the economy now. Those things are now printed below.
Right now, we need to lower the interest rate on conventional mortgages to 4% with no points or closing costs. At this writing, they're at 5% plus points. This will encourage investment in the failing construction industry.
There needs to be a freeze on all corporate and individual taxes until the economy moves toward the upswing. Halting taxes saves the government from borrowing money to spend on so-called stimulus. The money that is injected into the economy by you and I as a result is far and away better than what the Obamdent has signed.
Now is the time to find ways to reduce government spending. Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and countless other useless government agencies. I would include the Department of Education in this category as well. We also should put the kibosh on government sub-contractors. In my travels, I've had several conversations about how lucrative government contracts are. They shouldn't be any more lucrative than private contracts. Here's an unpopular one: Close NASA. Billions of dollars are spent each year on space flight, space photos, and space dust. Let's solve the Earth's problems first before looking for life on Mars.
When the economy does finally turn around and unemployment is back at the usual 5% rate, the IRS needs to be closed permanently. Rather than the myriad tax laws that no one except very smart accountants understand, we should implement the Fair Tax. You can read all about it at, but basically it eliminates income taxes, capital gains taxes, etc., in favor of one consumption tax on goods and services. Everyone pays the same flat rate, rich or poor, and everyone receives money for essentials. Everyone wins. The government gets its share and we get to keep more of our hard-earned paychecks.
I believe these things are what need to be done right now. Senator, Congressman, if you're reading this, get on the stick!
It is estimated that only three percent of the new $1,000,000,000,000.00 spending bill will be doled out in 2009, with the balance being distributed (or re-distributed) over the following two years. Things need to happen now to improve the economy now. Those things are now printed below.
Right now, we need to lower the interest rate on conventional mortgages to 4% with no points or closing costs. At this writing, they're at 5% plus points. This will encourage investment in the failing construction industry.
There needs to be a freeze on all corporate and individual taxes until the economy moves toward the upswing. Halting taxes saves the government from borrowing money to spend on so-called stimulus. The money that is injected into the economy by you and I as a result is far and away better than what the Obamdent has signed.
Now is the time to find ways to reduce government spending. Eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts and countless other useless government agencies. I would include the Department of Education in this category as well. We also should put the kibosh on government sub-contractors. In my travels, I've had several conversations about how lucrative government contracts are. They shouldn't be any more lucrative than private contracts. Here's an unpopular one: Close NASA. Billions of dollars are spent each year on space flight, space photos, and space dust. Let's solve the Earth's problems first before looking for life on Mars.
When the economy does finally turn around and unemployment is back at the usual 5% rate, the IRS needs to be closed permanently. Rather than the myriad tax laws that no one except very smart accountants understand, we should implement the Fair Tax. You can read all about it at, but basically it eliminates income taxes, capital gains taxes, etc., in favor of one consumption tax on goods and services. Everyone pays the same flat rate, rich or poor, and everyone receives money for essentials. Everyone wins. The government gets its share and we get to keep more of our hard-earned paychecks.
I believe these things are what need to be done right now. Senator, Congressman, if you're reading this, get on the stick!
America Bless God
Politicians think it stirs audiences when they close their speeches with "God bless you and God bless America". The Philadelphia Flyers used to have Kate Smith sing the song at their hockey games for good luck. "God bless America" holds as much meaning as two dating high schoolers who say "I love you" every time they blink.
The so-called pastor Jeremiah Wright caught plenty of flack in 2008 when his tyrades against Whitey were aired on YouTube. One of the things he screamed from the pulpit caught my attention when he told blacks not to sing "God Bless America, but God Damn America." The whole thing is appalling and offensive. Certainly we shouldn't sing it or say it, but my question is "Hasn't He already done so?"
Why would God bless America anyway? Who are we as a nation that He would smile on us? Why would He bless a country that likens itself to a god? The U.S obviously doesn't need His guidance for we're doing so well on our own. Yeah, right.
We engage in ridiculous wars, killing thousands of people. Legalized abortion is the supreme law of the land. The death penalty is just a different version of the same thing. We justify twisted behavior and write-off evil actions by quoting the bible of the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM. Our media promote homosexuality and heterosexual promiscuity. And each year the profanity and nudity envelope gets pushed a little farther on teevee and on the radio because we allow it.
We have encrypted our justice system with so much crap that we have to pay lawyers ungodly sums of money to interpret our own laws. We need "representation" in court because they know how to play the game. (Does anyone know how to play "Make the Obamadent Prove His Citizenship"?) Our politicians, mostly lawyers, are constantly being brought up on unethical crimes and misdemeanors.
Are we good stewards of our wealth? In better times, the U.S. is quick to loan money to foreign countries, while our own people suffer. Let's not forget about all the government waste. Even today, as we're scrimping and trying to "stimulate" the economy, the Pelosis of the world are flying around the country as is the Obamadent on Air Force One. Amongst the plethora of pork, the stimulus bill includes $300 million for new, greener cars for government employees.
The U.S., especially the Democratic Party, encourages dependency rather than self-reliance. Our forefathers did not mean increased food stamps and Section 8 housing when they spoke of "promoting the general welfare". The good citizen stands up for himself, makes a living to the best of his ability, and, as a last resort, goes to the government for assistance. Both political parties are to blame for this, but the Democrats excel at buying allegiance through entitlements.
Then there's the whole attitude thing, where Americans seem to believe our country is the best in the world. I don't know what that means in adult terms. Do they say it because we have so much space? Is it freedom of speech and religion that makes us "best"? Or is it a strong military? Children often say that because they're excited about something, and now that I think about it, maybe adults say it for the same reason. Perhaps they're just excited about any or all of those things mentioned above. At this stage in the game, there's almost as much wrong as right in the U.S.
The fact is that America is no better than anyone else's country in terms of deserving God's blessing. We started out great in 1607, but after Wilson's League of nations ideas we began our downward spiral. I'm not aware of another country that governs any more responsibly or treats people any better. I think we're mostly Even-Steven.
God Bless America, Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
If you ever thought about the words above as a prayer, you'd have to ask yourself "Why would He?" Let's work on the U.S. mindset a little. Next time you have the opportunity, rather than saying "God Bless America", say "America Bless God" instead. You can even buy a bumper sticker that says that at and
II Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
The so-called pastor Jeremiah Wright caught plenty of flack in 2008 when his tyrades against Whitey were aired on YouTube. One of the things he screamed from the pulpit caught my attention when he told blacks not to sing "God Bless America, but God Damn America." The whole thing is appalling and offensive. Certainly we shouldn't sing it or say it, but my question is "Hasn't He already done so?"
Why would God bless America anyway? Who are we as a nation that He would smile on us? Why would He bless a country that likens itself to a god? The U.S obviously doesn't need His guidance for we're doing so well on our own. Yeah, right.
We engage in ridiculous wars, killing thousands of people. Legalized abortion is the supreme law of the land. The death penalty is just a different version of the same thing. We justify twisted behavior and write-off evil actions by quoting the bible of the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM. Our media promote homosexuality and heterosexual promiscuity. And each year the profanity and nudity envelope gets pushed a little farther on teevee and on the radio because we allow it.
We have encrypted our justice system with so much crap that we have to pay lawyers ungodly sums of money to interpret our own laws. We need "representation" in court because they know how to play the game. (Does anyone know how to play "Make the Obamadent Prove His Citizenship"?) Our politicians, mostly lawyers, are constantly being brought up on unethical crimes and misdemeanors.
Are we good stewards of our wealth? In better times, the U.S. is quick to loan money to foreign countries, while our own people suffer. Let's not forget about all the government waste. Even today, as we're scrimping and trying to "stimulate" the economy, the Pelosis of the world are flying around the country as is the Obamadent on Air Force One. Amongst the plethora of pork, the stimulus bill includes $300 million for new, greener cars for government employees.
The U.S., especially the Democratic Party, encourages dependency rather than self-reliance. Our forefathers did not mean increased food stamps and Section 8 housing when they spoke of "promoting the general welfare". The good citizen stands up for himself, makes a living to the best of his ability, and, as a last resort, goes to the government for assistance. Both political parties are to blame for this, but the Democrats excel at buying allegiance through entitlements.
Then there's the whole attitude thing, where Americans seem to believe our country is the best in the world. I don't know what that means in adult terms. Do they say it because we have so much space? Is it freedom of speech and religion that makes us "best"? Or is it a strong military? Children often say that because they're excited about something, and now that I think about it, maybe adults say it for the same reason. Perhaps they're just excited about any or all of those things mentioned above. At this stage in the game, there's almost as much wrong as right in the U.S.
The fact is that America is no better than anyone else's country in terms of deserving God's blessing. We started out great in 1607, but after Wilson's League of nations ideas we began our downward spiral. I'm not aware of another country that governs any more responsibly or treats people any better. I think we're mostly Even-Steven.
God Bless America, Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
If you ever thought about the words above as a prayer, you'd have to ask yourself "Why would He?" Let's work on the U.S. mindset a little. Next time you have the opportunity, rather than saying "God Bless America", say "America Bless God" instead. You can even buy a bumper sticker that says that at and
II Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
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