Strike Two! It's baseball season, so what better metaphor could be used to describe the Usurpent's perfomance to date?
Strike one was the uber-Rooseveltian bailout/stimulus/bailout spending spree. As I've mentioned before, we're still paying for FDR's programs. Add to that LBJ's crappy contributions, and--presto--real big debt! The over-the-top welfare bills delivered by the Usurpent have exponentially multiplied our burden beyond calculation. To a lesser extent, Republicans are to blame as well. Suffice it to say that if the world is still spinning three (one, five, ten--you pick) centuries from now, that generation will be paying for all this free stuff.
Strike two comes this week, following the Usurpent's claim to Turkey and the rest of the world that the U.S. is not a Christian nation. Combine this statement with his full bow to Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, a Muslim, and it seems to me that the Usurpent is facing a tall left-handed pitcher who has one mean knuckle ball. Timing is everything, too, as the statement was made during Holy Week, a time of religious observation for Jews and Christians. Kosher CocaCola, by the way, has been popular with both groups this week.
The Usurpent calls us a "nation of citizens". Brilliant. I wish I had gone to Harvard so I could come up with that one. So who else is a nation of citizens? Every other country, so I surmise his meaning to be that there is nothing that sets America apart from any other country, especially members of the G20.
What about the very foundation of our country?! What were the beliefs of our patriot forefathers? On what basis do we have freedom? From Whom does it originate? How many people have died to maintain American values? These are the very things that absolutely separate us from the rest of the world, and our Usurpent is tossing them into the gutter. That's not very green of him.
Our nation was founded, by and large, by Christians, who applied Judaeo-Christian values to our system of government. In our representative democracy where the majority rules (present Judiciary in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Iowa, and Vermont excepted), 83% of Americans claim to be Christian. Based on these two facts, let me be clear to the rest of the world that the United States IS a Christian nation.
We have tolerance here for other religions and other points of view, just as we have tolerance for Socialism and an incompetent leader. Nonetheless, we have hope that those of other religions will come to believe in our God (in Whom we trust), and may I say that I also hope that one day Conservatism will change the face of government.
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