Saturday, March 6, 2010

Email to teachers @MHS regarding budget cuts

Excerpts from an email sent to Mathews High School teachers dated March 5, 2010 sent by David Malechek, principal of MHS are as follows:

Budget News. Here is a recap of the Budget Meeting held at MHS yesterday:

o Latest projection from the state is a $1.2 million cut in revenue for Mathews County

o Dr. Holleran did not propose a budget, but rather presented two scenarios to help the School Board realize the impact of cuts on the School Division (I am only including the impact on Mathews High School; all schools and staff will be affected equally):

1. RIF 2-3 teacher assistant positions; RIF part-time position; RIF 3 full-time teaching positions
(RIF means reduction in force.)

2. Move to a 150 day calendar. Savings from moving to a shortened work-week would result in considerable savings in fuel and labor costs: RIF 2-3 teacher assistants; RIF one part-time position; explore options of teachers working ½ time (teachers salary and number of work days would not be affected; school day would be extended by 30 minutes; Mathews High School would have to move to a 7-period day in order to get the minimum number of hours required by the state)

o The School Board voted unanimously to reject any cuts and asked Dr. Holleran to propose a budget funded in full at 2009-2010 levels plus to include a step increase for teachers.

o What this means: After a budget per the School Board’s request is rendered by Dr. Holleran and approved by the School Board, we will have to see what action the Mathews County Board of Supervisors will take. The Board of Supervisors may accept the budget in full (which would result in a tax increase), fund the budge in part, or reject the budget altogether and instruct the School Board to present a budget with cuts of up to $1.2 million. It will be May until we have any final results on what cuts, if any, will take place.

So, its business as usual as far as the school board and Dr. Holleran are concerned. NO administrative positions will be cut according to his ‘proposal’. Do you mean to tell me the Superintendant of schools did not even propose a budget at this meeting, only cutting teachers?
And your school board voted to reject cuts and increase pay for teachers. What’s up with that? Keeping your head in the sand does not make the problem go away or make the money magically appear!

The solution? Pass the buck to the Board of Supervisors. Make them look like the bad guy. Well, maybe it’s time for the BOS to make the budget cuts for the school board since they seem incapable of recognizing the fact that there is a budget shortfall.
I recommend the BOS eliminate the positions of Assistant Superintendant, Assistant principals in all three schools, and the issue of county vehicles to school administrators. There will be no need to cut vital teacher positions or raise taxes if we cut the fat from the top.

In another side note, please read the following from Harvey Morgan regarding our localities having more say in how their funds (your tax $) are distributed:

To minimize the impact on public education of scarce tax dollars, the House plan proposes giving local school division’s significantly greater flexibility in allocating funds provided to them by the state. Under the House plan, portions of direct state aid will be distributed as a block grant and state mandates relaxed, easing the restrictions inherent in the existing Standards of Quality. Recognizing that responding to challenging economic times prohibits a “one-size-fits-all” approach, the House gives local schools the ability to make the most of available funds, allowing them to determine where best to dedicate available resources without state direction. The House also lowers for local governing boards the amount of local required retirement spending.

So when you hear “our hands are tied” or “the state directs where our funds are to be spent” you will know that this is not true.

I am appalled by the ‘politics’ involved when it comes to education. It’s not about educating the children, it’s about money. Don’t be fooled, there is a lot of money involved. Why, Dr. Holleran alone makes close to $100,000 per year. (That is public information).

Everything I touch is taxed. I’m drained. There is no more you can squeeze out of my dollar. I cannot support more taxes. And I know I’m not alone on this.

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